Chapter 4: Departure

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It had been nearly 5 months since the scouts arrived and the Garrison had long since packed up and evacuated the site. Krolia had been working on fixing the remaining pod but it was gruelling work, she was a pilot not a mechanic. Luckily Kolt was great with his hands and proved to be an incredible assistant; between the two of them they would have the fighter pod fully repaired within another week.

She had noticed something was 'off' when she moved the pod into the Blue Lion's cave, but her mind was elsewhere at the time and she didn't pay it much thought. Once the Garrison left she was able to assess the damage and found the main thrusters, as well as the life support systems, were severely damaged from shrapnel in the explosion of the other pods. With everything nearly fixed she had begun to prepare for her launch date.

Krolia complied an extensive list of medications that Galra could take as well as things that may cause a reaction. She had also created an entire spreadsheet on typical kit behaviour and developmental stages in the hopes that it could help explain any strange behaviours or biological developments. In the end, it had been incredibly hard to get through as she realized the milestones she would be missing; his first steps, his first day of 'school', his first crush, etc. She made sure to document how important it was for Kolton to hold him, Galra can become touch starved leading to health complications and it can be especially problematic for kits.

A knock at the door startled her and she immediately wondered if she was visible, quickly ducking into the small main floor bathroom. The knock sounded again and she ignored it, praying that Keith continued his nap without waking.

After a minute or so the person turned and walked down the steps of the porch, stepping into a boxy vehicle of some sort and driving off. She remained in the bathroom for almost an entire hour before tentatively making her way to the front door. A folded note had been taped to it with Kolt's name and she pulled it down to read.

Dropped by with some of Colleen's potato salad. Didn't want to leave it out in the desert so I brought it home. Need to talk to you about Commander Sanda. It's urgent Kolt. Please call. We're worried.
- Sam

Krolia stared out at the horizon for a while, not really knowing what to do. She had assumed that no one knew where Kolton lived; he was incredibly secretive even before she met him, a trait that had proven incredible beneficial to their unique situation. But with this Sam just showing up on their doorstep unannounced it had her worried. It also solidified that leaving was the best choice. She sighed and looked at the time, 2:45PM – Keith would be waking up soon.

The pot of noodles started boiling and she drained them before adding the packet of powdered cheese sauce, butter, milk, and a cut up hotdog; setting it aside to cool as a quiet rustling sounds floated down the stairs. Walking into the nursery she picked up her sleepy boy, changed him, and carried him down to the kitchen. These were her favourite moments, right after a nap or first thing in the morning. He was always so snuggly when waking up, nuzzling his little face into the crook of her neck and clutching her shirt with his tiny fists. His grip was so tight that she could have let go and he wouldn't have budged.

By the time Kolt came walking through the door, Keith had bright orange cheese sauce all over his hands and face with noodles in his hair. "Shake your boots." She called out of habit and was met with a familiar groan. Keith giggled as he chucked a handful of the noodles at the window. "NO. Stop making such a mess. Eat your noodles." He stuck his tongue out at her and received a quick smack to the head and a short hiss.

"Maybe he don't want any noodles. Try somethin' else why don't ya."

She rolled her eyes. "I wish I knew what he could stomach. This would be so much easier if we knew what to feed him."

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