Meeting the kids: Caleo

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Leo and Calypso:

Charlie Beckendorf Valdez- Strait, brown hair and grass green eyes. Charlie can build things just like his dad, but is more calm and innocent like his mom. He'll crack a joke once in a while, but they are usually not that funny. He doesn't have fire powers though. His sister got that and he's completely fine with that as long as he gets to build. He can also plant really well.

Phoenix Esperanza Valdez- Red fiery hair and brown eyes. OKAY so this girl is the definition of CRAZY. She defiantly got her dads craziness and humor. She probably put the word YOLO in her brain permanently because you can hear her say it 10 times per day for the craziest stuff, but that is a different story. Anyways she barely acts like her mom. She's fine with her brother planting, because the last time she tried planting, the whole flower burned up. Oh and if you ever want to hang out with her make sure you don't excite her too much or she will burst into flames.

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