Fallin' For You

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The rest of my day was kind of shot. I had planned on finishing my book and writing up a synopsis, summarizing my annotations, and finding the second one at a local used book store. It was probably for the better- each time I've walked in there with time to kill, I've walked out with way too many books that I definitely didn't need. I did try to finish the book, but I was too excited. I hadn't been on a real date in probably two years. 

I had dated a lot growing up. I spent about five years, starting from the ninth grade to my freshman year of college, jumping from boyfriend to boyfriend. I enjoyed dating and being able to rely on someone else and I didn't take it too seriously until I somehow found myself dating the same boy for two years. I was smitten with him, totally in love. People always say you're too young in high school to know what love is. But I know what I felt, and I was devastated when he decided to go to a different college. It was the classic story from there, long distance at 18 didn't work out for us. I dated another guy after him, but it wasn't real for me. I truly didn't believe I'd care for someone like Carter again and so I stopped putting myself out there. 

The only male contact I really have had since then was with my college guy friends. Carter was now engaged, only a few months after graduating from his undergrad and was planning to be married in the spring. But whatever, no sweat. I lived in fucking London. I finally found myself and my dreams, and here I was living it. Maybe this thing with Tom would work out, and maybe it wouldn't, and I knew I'd be fine either way. But man, was I excited.

Tom had called me to let me know we'd be doing some walking. I decided to keep on my same jeans, but switched out my sweater for a white silky tank top adorned with lace at the neckline, a black leather jacket, and my white Nike air force ones. I finished my look with a black belt, some small gold hoops and kept my hair in a high pony tail. After adding some heavier makeup, I was ready to go and walked back to cafe where we planned to meet. 

As I walked up, I saw Tom leaned against the wall scrolling through his phone. His friend from earlier was there too, seemingly keeping an eye on the people around them. The man saw me and nudged Tom, who quickly put away his phone and smiled directly at me. He was wearing a dark t-shirt, dark jeans, sunglasses, and wait- is he wearing a baseball cap? As I grew closer I called out at him, "So who looks like the American now?"

Tom rolled his head at my comment and decided to ignore it. "Y/n this is Tuwaine, he's going to tag along with us." Tuwaine held out his hand and I shook it with a smile. It was incredibly odd to me that Tom would bring along someone else on our date, but I decided to be polite and not question it. "So what do y'all have planned?"

Tuwaine and Tom shared a glance and both tried to stifle their giggles. "What're y'all laughing at?" I asked curiously, but the question immediately sent them both into a fit of laughter. I stood, completely dumbfounded and thought about what I had said. "Oh okay I get it. Y'ALL are laughing at my accent." I crossed my arms and watched as their laughter died out. 

Tom reached out and grabbed my arm, steading himself. "I'm sorry, love, we just don't hear that a lot." He was still trying to calm down and I couldn't help but smile at him. He called me 'love' and somehow thinks how I talk is funny. Brits are so weird. "Did you get it all out? Because I will probably say that at least fifty more times today."

"Yes, I think so." Tom stood up straight and continued to answer my question. "We are going to take a stroll in downtown London, see Kensington Palace and then drive over to Tower Bridge. I found a cool restaurant I'd like to try over by there." 

"You really got a whole itinerary planned, huh?" I joked with him as he led me to where the car was parked. Tom opened the back door for me and slid in next to me in the back seat. "Of course. I'm a man with a plan." I chuckled and Tuwaine drove off into the city.

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