Rule Number 1- It Takes Two (Dean x Castiel)

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Word count: 1636
Unedited. Smut.
It was another sleazy motel room. Dean was sick of it. The way it smelt, the way the curtains stained with god knows what and he didn't want to get started on the water. It was bad. The worst.

And the worst part was, Sam was dead, again. He hated being alone. Lisa has told him once that the way he kept bringing Sam back was toxic. Hell he knew it was. But killing himself a little couldn't compare to the icy loneliness he felt when he stared at the peeling wallpaper that at some point had been green.

If he could cheat Death again for Sammy, he would.

But right now he had a werewolf to hunt in Nevada and no leads to go by. For a split second he though about calling Bobby. Fuck he's gone too.

"Castiel. I know you are probably not gonna hear me but I need you. So I call upon yo-"

"Hello Dean"

In a split second he turned to embrace the Angel of Thursdays.

"God damn it Cas."

Without even realising, a tear rolled off Dean's cheek. The angel felt alarmed and had no idea how to console the crying human.

He felt the wet drip hit his collar and he looked into Deans green eyes. He disappeared for a second and Dean looked at the empty space where he was with a crestfallen expression. But then he reappeared holding a steaming apple pie.

Shock was visible in Deans face and Cas shifted his head, "Is it the pie? I can get you another."

"No not the pie," he grunted in his gravelly tone but then quietly he said. "Thanks Cas."

"You are welcome," Castiel put a half smile on his face. "Listen Dean, your brother is in the ninth level of hell. You need more than a crossroads demon to get him back."

"I know."

"We probably can't get him back this time."

"I know."

"And we have no idea where this werewolf is."

"God damn it Cas, I know. It's not helping," Dean shouted.

Cas stood straighter as Dean dropped the fork and left the room. He yelled out, "I'm sorry Dean, I'm not very good at this empathy thing."

"It's fine,"he heard Dean reply.

"Look, first catch this werewolf and I'll ask around for ways to help Sam."

Dean returned to the room and nodded before chugging back the scotch from the bottle. Then he noticed Cas's intense stare still on him. He met his eyes and felt something in them. They made him feel something.


Cas stuttered,"N-nothing. Goodbye Dean."

"No wait!"

Dean stared at his eyes then drifted lower. Those lips. Meg was one lucky bitch. Wait... what?

Why was he jealous of a demon, he was Dean fucking Winchester, he kills bitches like her. Well most of them anyway. Crowley was a strange exception and Meg he supposed was as well.

"Yes, Dean," Cas tested the words and he swallowed as the intense forest green orbs scanned him. Those freckles, that smile.

For once he wished he'd chosen another vessel. It was hard to read him right then but all of a sudden the walls keeping him out dropped.

Dean's eyes were longing and damn it he wanted it. It was the worst time to feel that way. His brother was in the infernos and yet he couldn't have been hotter. Cas looked down and realised he was harder than he'd ever been.

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