Chapter-7 :Jail

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Swara  was startled awake and it took her a second to realize what happened.

She thought at first that it was Sanskar  coming home but then she heard it again, her phone was ringing.

“Hello? Who's speaking?” she mumbled, still in a sleepy haze.

“Good evening, mam, this is a Mumbai  police department,” a strange voice in the phone said.

Swara  sat up on the bed, suddenly wide awake. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her first thought was that something happened to Sanskar.

“We’re calling because you are the contact of Mr. Maheshwari”

“Yes,” Swara  confirmed with tight chest.

“Mr. Maheshwari  was arrested, he’s in the police station jail. He refused to call anybody when we asked him so we are calling instead. You can come bail him,” the officer in the phone said.

“I’ll be there soon,” Swara  breathed out and hang up after she got the address.

She felt relief washing over her. When she answered the call, she was convinced that something happened to Sanskar, that he got in some accident or something.
Arrest was the best case than those.

She got dressed quickly and found Sanskar's  documents from his doctor, she was sure that whatever happened, it was because of an outburst so she needed some proof of Sanskar  being sick.

Swara  was exhausted, it was past one in the morning when she was done arguing with the officers. They told her that she can take Sanskar  home but that he’ll have to go to a court anyway because he was already arrested for offense against an official and fighting against arrest.

They told her that with all the documents from the psychiatrist, it was almost sure that the judge would let Sanskar  go without any punishment or record but he had to go to the court anyway.

Swara  sighed because they really didn’t need another thing to worry and stress about.

They finally let her get Sanskar  and take him home. An officer led her to the small jail area.

Swara's  heart broke when she saw her lover behind the bars. He was sitting with his head in his palms, his episode long gone and remorse obviously fully settling in. Swara  hated it so much, Sanskar  didn’t deserve any of this.

“Swara” Sanskar  breathed out when she came closer and the iron door opened.

“Let’s go home, sansku” Swara  smiled at him.

“I am so sorry,” he mumbled with regret in his eyes.

“I am sorry that you have to put up with my faults all the time. Damn, you are bailing me from jail.”

“Shh, it’s not your fault,” Swara  hugged Sanskar  when he came closer to her.

“I hate this so much, Swara , I wish it would just stop, I wish I was normal,” Sanskar  mumbled against her neck.

Swara  felt tears burning in her eyes, the broken voice Sanskar  was speaking with was breaking her heart and once again she was cursing fate or whatever was out there for putting someone so good through something like this. 

“I wish you would be with someone normal and not someone you have to come to jail for in the middle of the night, I am so sorry,” Sanskar  sniffled.

“I am not sorry,” Swara  stroked his hair soothingly.

“I am not sorry for anything because I love you, you fool, when will you finally understand that? Come on, let’s go home, we both need some sleep.”


Sorry for the short chapter 🙁

I'm kinda busy for few days, but something is better than nothing right?!.😉


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