The Kilie Files

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"It's been lonely without her... The constant stream of sarcasm and her laugh... Why did she have to go and be the hero..."

"Oh sorry, I forgot I was recording this. It's been a while since I recorded last. I mean the last time I recorded was when she was... around... That was at least a year ago and since then nothing seems to be as lively or as bright. Ah! I'm rambling, she always did tell me I ramble too much. You're probably wondering who I am and who she is. Well, I'm Carson and the 'She' I'm talking about is Kilie. We are... well, I am... she was one of the last survivors of the apocalypse... It's a long story and honestly, I'd love to tell it... Well, the parts that Kilie's in. We were inseparable but then she went and did the most stupid thing she could do and ran into the base and... It doesn't have a happy ending for all of us who knew her, but none of us never did..."

"It was the year 2052 and everyone was getting ready for the festival that came into the city in celebration of independence and individualism. Kilie and I were having a blast. Going on all the rides and trying to win as many plushies as we could. She usually beat me at everything but would give the prize to me almost every time..."

"Omg! Carson look at this! It's a giant tiger! I need that tiger!"

"Kilie gushed when she saw that damn tiger. Took us almost all the tokens we had to win it and the majority of the day to complete the task. Yes, I wanted to help her with it and She looked so cute when she spotted it. Kilie was one of the most prettiest girls in my school and every guy was falling head over heels for her so was I, but she just saw me as a friend. Looking back on it I was friend-zoned hard."

"That was the first day that we realized something was wrong. The sky was this purple colour and the air was oddly thick like smog. I lived on a farm so I didn't get the smog or anything, Kilie, on the other hand, lived in the city but it was a Friday and she was staying at my place. Our families were close so we hung out at the farm a lot while our parents were in town either having coffee together or discussing business."

"We played video games till around two or three in the morning until it dawned on us that my parents had yet returned from the city. So I gave them a call but both their phones and Kilie's parents' phones went to voicemail..."

"That's when we turned on the tv and realized almost immediately why they never answered their phones... The smog we had seen earlier that wafted over the city was some sort of poison that killed anyone within the city limits... The smog kept growing though. It wafted closer and closer to the farms and areas around the cities, it wiped out all the electricity and cell towers. The smog killed every living thing in its path... That's when panic sets in... Kilie and I just lost our parents to the smog and we were about to as well..."

"Carson what are we going to do! That smog is getting closer and I don't want to die! Plus we need to find out what's happening and if all this is true!"

"I remember hearing her voice crack as tears ran down her face. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes trying to calm her down as I grabbed her and took her to our bomb shelter that was under the barn and had a vacuum seal on it so nothing could get in and only we could get out. We had no clue of knowing when the smog would dissipate or if it was even livable up on the surface, so we stayed in the bunker for two maybe three months the time ran together so we never knew how long we were down there for."

"When we finally emerged from the bunker we found everything had regrown and not too far away there was a military base like building what looked out of place and not our tech. Kilie wanted to go check it out but I was wary about it, due to the lack of knowledge we had."

"Oh come on Carson! It can't be that bad, it just looks like the military moved closer to the point of impact of that weird smog. Honestly what could go wrong..."

"Everything went wrong. The months that followed those four small words, 'What could go wrong' made sure everything went wrong. The 'creatures', if they were even that were very hostile and didn't like having others on the surface. The 'creatures' only came out in the day time so Kilie and I would hide out in the bunker until nightfall and go grab some of the necessities from the house and take them to the bunker. We would run back and forth all night all of the house's contents into the bunker so it looked like home. Kilie found some paint in the garage and painted the walls a nice green. I found some old carpets from when we renovated the house and laid it on the concrete floor so it wasn't so cold in the morning."

"The bunker had the same layout as the house just ran on solar energy. We made the bunker look like home and it still is home. Finding water was the hard part since the nearest river was forty-two miles away. It would be a long walk to get water and we had to go back once or twice a week. It was very dangerous because there was more than one base but we managed."

"That went on for weeks, months even until the creatures spotted Kilie and I once at dawn as we were coming back from getting water. Their weapons were extremely advanced. The creatures shot at Kilie and I for hours until we heard the firing stopped. That's when Kilie had enough..."

"Carson this is ridiculous! I'm going into that damn base and putting an end to this!"

"I tried to reason with Kilie but her mind was dead set on ending this apocalypse. So I gave in and we went into the base. Kilie wanted to find the main control center to end this base and the other seven hundred and eighty-three bases that were scattered worldwide. When we found the control center Kilie pressed some buttons then we ran as the countdown began. We had a minute to get out of the base and back to the farm..."

"Now recorder I have to go get water and your running out of batteries but there is one thing that Kilie did that I will never forget. She threw me out of the base at the last second and yelled four small words that mean the world to me ..."

"I love you, Carson!"

Hey Munchkins~
So I've been struck with some inspiration to make my own story so please tell me what you think of it

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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