Who are we & where are we going¿

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We go threw life often wondering; where we came from, what is our purpose here and where are we going? I'm sure everyone at some point in their life has questioned, "what am I doing here"? Is there a bigger picture to this amazing story we call life¿ Some say, no it's just the cosmos or the big bang", what do you think? Where did our brain's come from? Is there a Creator of our brains? We didn't create our own brains, we know this and people have searched all over looking for "the Creator" but some of us know he is everywhere. Every creation has a Creator, so we must have a Creator, who has created us for such a time as this. Just like he created everything else just as it is. Will he come back for us? We have signs, scripture and scrolls that show us who he is and yet it's still seems hard for some to believe, such a powerful God exists.
They want to believe in many god's or no God at all. A friend once said, "did we just drop on this beautifully designed world, and eventually get it right, or is there something bigger at play"?
Some people don't like talking about God, because they are afraid of him. They think he will judge every thing they have said or done. Forgetting that if we truly want to live with him all we have to do is give him our life just like he gave up his. He will forgive and forget just like the man on the cross with him who also was a sinner in need of saving. No one can make anyone believe in our Heavenly Father, but we can share the love he has shown us when we didn't deserve it. We can thank him for what he has done and will do for us. For we walk by faith.

The reason the world is in such Chaos is because God's name has been removed from people's mouths and thoughts. He should be in everything we do. We must constantly show our appreciation and the love that he has given to us, we must share it, so that others may know him too. God has feelings just like us and when we congratulate ourselves for every success in life and forget to give him the glory it hurts him.
I don't want to hurt my Heavenly Father, he is the only Father I have. He never leaves my side and he is always in my heart. He leads and guides me. Sometimes, it's hard but if we pass the test the first time then we are blessed and we don't have to redo the test. But if we fail to learn a lesson, we have to repeat until we get it right.

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