Part IV

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"Hey, Mom!" I yell up the stairs.

"Hey, Kels! How did it go?"

Running up the stairs, I meander in to the bonus room to share about my night.

" was good, I guess. I actually shared in group tonight, which is not what I was expecting."

"That's good. How did you like it?"

"Well, I thought it was really incredible how everyone was so transparent about their problems with a group of strangers, but it was all really heavy."

"What do you mean?" she continues.

"I just find myself feeling kind of sad. I'm glad I shared and everything, but I just feel so weighed down and burdened." I sigh, dropping my hands exasperatedly to my sides for emphasis.

"That makes sense. There's a lot to soak in as you learn more about people's 'dirty laundry,'" she chuckles to herself.

You don't have 'dirty laundry.' The same commanding voice is back again. I thought the night went pretty well, personally, but maybe the voice is right; I don't have any real struggles, and all this is honestly too much to worry about in my opinion. The heaviness weighs me down throughout the rest of the evening.


The Weight of KnowledgeWhere stories live. Discover now