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Steven was outside with Connie having lunch, they wanted an outside picnic type of thing today.

Pearl came outside to check on the two kids.

"Hello you two, having fun?" She asked, a bright smile on her pale face.

"Yea we are!/yes ma'm" the two said at the same time.

"Well I'm glad to hear! Me and the others will be on the hunt for another corrupted gem, you two behave while we are gone!" Pearl said.

"We will!" Steven said enthusiastically, taking a bite of his sandwich.

A few hours pass and the two are growing bored...

"What should we do now?" Connie asked

"Maybe we should go check out the forest! I heard it has ghosts in it!" Steven said, his arms in the air.

Connie snickered and shook her head " I doubt there will be ghosts but it can always be fun to look!" She said.

"We should take the sword just to be safe..." Connie muttered, steven nodded.

They entered the forest holding hands, admiring the green shimmer above they're heads.

The two felt a tremor though... but it wasn't like an earthquake... the sound was getting closer

A dust cloud exploded outward from the impact into the muddy ground. Wood was sent flying everywhere, a hail of chips and dirt and some mud colliding with and staining everything it could reach. A round surface was deflecting it, oddly enough, the particles not gaining any purchase on the hovering object. Trees swayed in some predictable dance as the force of the collisions made the fauna move with the wind.

Steven and Connie both got they're weapons, Steven summoning his shield and Connie drew her sword. The gem jumped onto Steven who expanded his shield and blocked the monster, getting slightly pushed into the ground.

The beast agressing upon his shield was a massive thing, horns jutting out wherever they could grow, its massive front clawed hooves about the size of a small boulder. Vaguely, it's form reminded him a demonic horse he saw on a painting somewhere.

Another pound on the shield snappes him out of his zoning thoughts. Allowing his mind to wander was dangerous right now.

He pushed the beast off of him and yelled for Connie to come and try to slash the suffering gem, to poof her and bubble her so she wouldn't be in pain anymore...

Connie was pushed out of the way with a kick from the gems back leg, letting out an Oof as she hit the ground. Steven yelled her name but he too was hit by the gem beast.

Seems like visiting the forest was a bad idea...

The corrupted Gem lept forward again, this time at full speed and it's head lowered, horns pointed forward, ready to skewer anything in its path. like an angry, rushing bull the gem charged at Steven. Steven leapt to the side, cleanly avoiding it, allowing him some space between himself and the gem. He could hear Connie's footsteps as she attempted to approach the gem monster once more.

She lept at it, and gave her sword a good swing... but she missed...

The gem turned her head towards Steven, who was obviously getting tired out because of this encounter...

The gem roared, revealing its sharp fangs in its seemingly horselike muzzle...

Connie screamed as she watched the gem bit Steven... his body disappeared and his gem remained...

She grabbed the sword and stabbed the gem right through the chest, tears streaming down her face...

Once the gem poofed she grabbed Stevens, holding it close to her face...

"I'm sorry..." she sobbed "I couldn't poof the gem in time..." she heaved...

She left the forest, leaving the corrupted gem to behind, it would reform and she could do nothing about it.

She sat under a tree, far away from the monstrous gem's gem...

An hour later Stevens gem started to glow... Connie gasped and watched as it floated into the air.

First the light started out Stevens shape... but it changed... growing bigger and more slim... Connie could only stare in shock as a pink gem sat still... head in hand.

Connie examined the new gem, they wore Stevens cloths and noticed that they had his eyes... what?!

"Ugh Connie what happened? The gem asked... that was definitely Stevens voice.

Okay so if I don't do this I'll go crazy

Plz spare me


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