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Group chat

Wang gae: Is everyone heeerreee?

Ars: We'll do the introduction now?

Defsoul: ig

ParkJY: who go first?

MarkT: wait- just name and age?

Gyeomie: Yeah, then maybe we can share pictures later

DabBam: oow,  i like that^

Ars: i go first! Hi everyone I'm Youngjae and am 22

Wang gae: Jackson is the name and 24

Defsoul: Im Jaebum and I'm 24 too

MarkT: I'm*

Defsoul: pfft... No, that's my name Im Jaebum

Wang gae: woopss

MarkT: ow, sorry. Anyways, I'm Mark and I am 25

DabBam: seems like I am the youngest here

DabBam: oh nooooo

Gyeomie: Kim Yugyeom and I'm 21

DabBam: Were the sameee

DabBam: BamBam and 21 at your service😉

ParkJY: weird name, I am Jinyoung and am 24 too

DabBam: that's not my real name tho. You won't even try to pronounce my name trust me

MarkT: I don't wanna know

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