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A/N I know it's gonna move a little fast, so if you don't like it, don't read it.
Hayden's POV:
My dad watches me as I pace the director's office. Neither of us know why we were called up their. Once the director walks in, he starts.
"Special Agent James, you are going to be a liaison agent to NCIS. Starting today. You will be joining Special Agent Gibbs and his team."
Dad's face falls at the mention of the the agent.
"When do I go?"
"Now. Say by to your team, cause you won't be seeing them for a while."
"Yes sir."
   I turned away to go to my team.
   I turn back to him.
  "Yes, Director?"
   He smiles at me.
  "If they make any comments on your clothes, ignore them."
   I smile back at him.
  "Of course, Sir."
   Dad and I walk out and head to our team. I grab my gear and say goodbye. Sacks steps in front of me.
"See you tonight Sweetie?"
I roll my eyes and shove home aside.
"Only in your dreams, Dickwad."
Dad walks with me to the garage and to my bike.
  "Dad, you've worked with NCIS before, what can you tell me about Special Agent Gibbs?"
  "He's a hard ass, but you'll like him."
  "That all? It looked like your face feel, basically saying that you don't like him."
  "That's all. You gotta go kid. Drive safe."
   I hop on my bike, put my helmet on, and drive to the Navy Yard. It takes less than ten minutes for me to get there. When I do get there, security is expecting me.
   Once I get in the building, I head up to Director Vance's office. When I get there, his door is closed, but his secretary tells me to go in. As I enter the room, I see two men. One I recognize as Director Leon Vance. The other I don't recognize, but he is extraordinarily handsome. I might even say hot. His ice blue eyes hold my slightly violet one.
  "You must be the liaison Agent. I'm Director Vance and this is Special Agent Gibbs."
   I don't look away from Agent Gibbs, and thankfully neither of them hold out their hands.
  "Nice to meet you Director Vance, Special Agent Gibbs. I'm Special Agent Katharine James-Fornell."
   Gibbs gives the Director a look, breaking the contact, before turning back to me. 
  "Any relation to Tobias Fornell?"
His voice and s incredible.
  "Yes sir. He's my adoptive father, but I go by my birth surname."
I move my gaze to the ground, knowing what's coming next.
  "What happened to your parents?"
   My breath catches in my throat at the topic, but I answer him anyway.
  "They were killed when I was sixteen, sir."
They nod and Gibbs goes to the door. I just look at him. He waves his hand saying to follow him.
"We're going to introduce you to my team."
My body move towards him before I even think. I kept my distance from them earlier, but now, I'm so much closer to him. Instead of my usual few feet away from someone, I stand right next to him.
Once we're down the stairs, three people stand up. They look at my clothes, then back at my face. The tall guy steps toward me and sticks his hand out. I just stare at it.
"Hi, very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. Everyone calls me Tony."
I look up from his hand and take in his features. He's handsome, and obviously a womanizer unless it comes to his partner, right next to me.
"It's nice to meet you, Special Agent DiNozzo."
He pulls his hand away awkwardly, and smiles. Gibbs smacks his agent upside his head. It takes a lot of strength to not laugh at that.
"Did you not read her file, DiNozzo? She doesn't like to be touched, unless necessary."
"Sorry boss, I just forgot. I didn't realize that this was our liaison agent. It doesn't help that the file never gave a name."
The agent looks at me.
"I'm Special Agent Katharine James."
  "It's nice to meet you."
   I look at the strikingly handsome Special Agent Gibbs.
  "Is there anyone else?"
  "Yeah, our ME, his assistant, our forensic scientist, and our other teammate, but he's in MTAC."
   We start walking to the elevator.
  "I will warn you now, she's going to try to hug you, but I'll try to keep her from it.
  "Thank you sir."
   He shivers slightly, probably from how old it is in here.
  "No sir, okay? It's Gibbs or Boss. I hate being called sir."
  "Of course, Boss."
   He shivers again, but I let it go. We get into the elevator, and it gets awkward. He flips the emergency switch and stares at me, almost like he's trying to figure me out.
  "We all have problems, Kitty. Most of us have what most people call Daddy Issues. If you're going to be here for a while, we'll figure out what yours are. If you don't want us to figure out, than you're going to have to tell us, but you don't have to do it now. If you don't want to tell us, tell your director to find you a new team. We're a family here. We trust each other."
   I meet his eyes and feel the need to tell him everything. I didn't even realize that he called me by a nickname.
  "Before my parents were killed, I was abused. All types. It started when the drugs and alcohol started. I was maybe eight at that time. It lasted years, until right before my fifteenth birthday. That's when thy were killed. Agent Fornell was the lead agent on the case. With Emily, he knew I needed a good home, so he adopted me."
   Gibbs looks shocked that I told him all of that so quickly.
  "Thank you, for trusting me, Kitty."
   I blush and look away at the nickname.
  "Why call me Kitty?"
  "It just fit."
   I nod and look at the door. Once he turns the elevator back on, we head down to the forensics lab. Once we get down there, a blur goes right past me and hugs Gibbs. Jealousy filters through my mind.
  "Gibbs! Who's this?"
   She finally noticed me. However, she looks slightly confused.
  "This is our liaison officer. Katharine James."
   The bubbly girl goes to hug me, but Gibbs stops her.
  "No touching her unless necessary or unless she's given you permission."
The girl looks pained to not hug me, but I just smile sheepishly. Gibbs goes to put his hand on my shoulder, to lead me away, but catches himself.
"Sorry, Abbs. We've gotta go see Ducky."
We turn away and go back to the elevator. I stand a little closer to him, but he didn't seem to mind. We walk out as soon as the elevator dings. Now we're in the morgue. An older man is talking with a younger man. The older turns around when he hears the doors open. He smiles at Gibbs, but doesn't seem to see me.
"Ah, Jethro. Is there another body?"
"No Duck. New agent."
Both men look at me with curiosity. The British man, Ducky, speaks first.
"Ah, you're the liaison agent."
I nod and Gibbs rolls his eyes.
"Duck, this is Katharine James. Kitty this is Dr.Donald Mallard and his assistant Jimmy Palmer."
"Please, call me Ducky."
"It's nice to meet you both."
Jimmy holds out his hand, but Gibbs shakes his head, making him pull it back to his side. Both men give us confused looks, but Gibbs's phone rings, making me jump.
  "C'mon Kitty. We've got a case."
   We get in the elevator, grab Tony, and go upstairs. Tony screens everyone in there while I sit and watch. As the SecNav passes Tony, the detector goes off.
  "DiNozzo, I thought you searched everybody."
  "I didn't realize you wanted me to pat down the Secretary of the Navy."
  "Well, I do now."
   Tony starts babbling, but I just watch how Gibbs reacts. All he does is watch carefully. As soon as they grab a pen, I get up and stand next to Gibbs as he opens the pen and a big falls out. I stare at it, trying to figure it out.
Vance's phone goes off. He answers and then looks at me. This causes the rest to look at me. I give him a curious look after he closes the phone.
"Agent James, Agent Sacks is in the lobby. He said you forgot something."
   I see Gibbs stiffen slightly but I just sigh. 
  "I let them know that he can just leave it there, and I'll get it later."
   They give me a confused look right before my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and decline it. It goes off again, so I decline again.
  "If there a reason you're avoiding him?"
  "Nope. Just, paying attention to the case."
   My phone rings again and I groan. This time I answer.
  "What do you want?"
Other than you?
  "I swear to God, if you don't leave me alone, I'm getting a restraining order."
Oh, c'mon babe, you know you want this. Just come down, get your knives, and say hi.
  "First of all, I find you repulsing...wait, you have my knives? Those are always in my bag. How did you get them?"
I grabbed them while you were talking with the director. I knew where you were going.
"You son of a...fine. I'll come down."
I hang up and I go to the door. As soon as I get there, Gibbs stops me.
"You want someone to go with you?"
I smile slightly.
"Not this time."
As son as I get downstairs, Sacks smirks. I grab my knives from him and turn around, but he grabs me.
"Ah Ah. Where are you going?"
"To do my job. Now go away."
"Not without a kiss."
I turn back around and glare at my old teammate.
"You wish."
"If only you were a genie. You'd definitely make that wish come true."
I growl at him, ready to flip him. Luckily, a voice came from behind me.
"Agent Sacks, I suggest you take your hand off my agent."
  A surge of pride flows through me at the sound of his possessiveness. However, anger flashes through Sacks' eyes.
  "I'm sure my girlfriend and I can talk alone."
I look back at the agent,'in front of me, with a lot of anger.
"Girlfriend? How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone? I'm not your girlfriend!"
"You heard her, she's not your girlfriend, now let her go before either of us make you."
   I can't help but look at my boss as he just said the words on my wrist. Luckily, Sacks lets go of my arm, making me turn back to him.
"I'll see you around."
"No, you won't."
He walks away and I turn back to Gibbs.
"I told you I didn't need you to come with."
Surprise flashed through his eyes, but he hides it quickly.
"I know, and I listened. We're going to NSA, that's why I came down. Lets go."
I follow him to the elevator. Once we get in, I turn to him.
"Thank you, Boss. He might not have left if you weren't there."
He shrugs before making eye contact.
"Security would've taken care of him."
I study his eyes before stopping the elevator.
"I'm sorry for stealing your move, but you said something earlier. About me not being his girlfriend. Your words, are on my wrist."
His eyes widen slightly, but he stays quiet and looks away. After a second or two, I go to start the elevator back up, but he stops me. His hand wraps around my wrist, gently. I don't even react to the fact that he touched me.
"You said mine too. My second one."
I smile at him. It's not often that people get a second soulmate. He lets go of my edits and pulls his sleeve up a little. Two sentences reside there. The first one is crossed off, signaling that his first soulmate died. The second sentence is mine. I told you I didn't need you to come with.
  "Thank you for telling me, Gibbs."
   I look back up at his eyes.
  "Call me Jethro."
I smile at him. He smiles a bit too, showing that he's actually happy. We start the elevator again and go to his car where DiNozzo is in the passenger seat.
"DiNozzo, back seat."
"Back seat. Kitty, c'mon."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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