Nerrison (Smuty)

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so this is just an example of my writing I guess, sorry if the grammar and punctuation is shit I'm a dumbass ¯\_(•-•)_/¯ Anyway. Onto the story.


  Harrison groans as Nerris said another answer without raising her hand, it always annoyed him that she was so.. Just Pushy! But that's what made him fall for her, oh how cute her small freckles were. He wished he could lay in bed with her and give a single kiss to every small mark she had, watching her face slowly flush out of embarrassment and slight pleasure.
  Harrison popped up out of his seat at the sound of the last bell of the day, signifying the end of school. He smiles and quickly packed his stuff up and ran to go to his locker, ignoring the calls of the teachers for him to slow down. It was friday, the day of the beginning of the weekend. He waited in the hallway for a few and as the halls emptied he found it strange but comforting at the ghost town of halls. Walking to his locker he input the digits and jumped at the sound of a voice.
  " Hey Magic boy! " The girls voice rang, turning around to look it was Nerris. The girl he fell in a deep love with over the years, she had lost her lisp when her braces got taken off and that had made her voice a lot more mature.
  " Oh.. Hello Nerris. " Harrison spoke In reply, looking slightly down at the girl who had once been taller than him. He gave her a soft smile, it had been returned.
  " Would you like to come to My place this weekend? I was thinking we could have a sleepover.. " Nerris asked, cutely tucking a strand of her short hair behind her ear.
  " Uh- sureeee-" Harrison blushed, staring at the girl being extremely cute. He quickly shook off his surprise and smiles brightly, " I'd love to! " He giggles, they had learned to be rather fond of each other. Having snuck out more than once, skipping classes, sneaking into a closed beach. Little did he know, Nerris had quite the plan for today.
  " That's good! C'mon! We have much to do! " Nerris would grab Harrison's hand and start running out of the school, down the road, and to her kinda large house. They both giggled and shared stories on the way there.
  " We're here! " The brown skin tones girl turned, looking over her shoulder at Harrison. "C'mon, let's go. " She intertwined their fingers and lead them into the house. Her parents had left for the weekend so they had nothing to worry about.
  " So.. What are we going to do first? " Harrison asked, curiosity laced through his voice, tieing strings tightly together of the different tones.
  " We're going to watch some movies and go to the beach later. " Nerris explains with a grin.
Harrison chuckled lightly, " Alrighty. " He went over to the kitchen to grab and make some popcorn, " You choose a movie! " He called to the DnD obsessed girl. He placed the popcorn bag into the microwave and watched the bag expand. Upon hearing the beep he grabbed the bag and opened it, putting the already buttered popcorn in a bowl for them to share. Walking back into the main room to see Nerris had put on Friday the thirteenth, specifically the 2009 remake.
  " I haven't watched this in awhile, " She spoke after Harrison sat next to her, grabbing a handful of popcorn.
  " Me too, hah. The first time I watched this I was fourteen with Preston. He ended up having to go fix a problem in my bathroom from the sex scene. He found the guys hot, it was hilarious. " Harrison spoke with tons of giggles.
  " Ewww- dats nasty-- " Nerris giggles along with Harrison, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.
  " At least he wasn't moaning my name, though, pretty sure he was saying Nurf-" Harrison bust's out into maniac like laughter, in around the same tone it was followed by Nerris.
  " Alright- alright- let's just watch the movie. Before I know it, it'll be getting late! " Nerris joked. But un benounced to her, it would be. They had taken a long time to get home, for it was already Seven.
  " Okay okay, press play already. " Harrison giggles, feeling Nerris lay her head on his shoulder. He smiles and lightly blushes from content.

Time skip because I'm a pussy ass bitch-

After the two finished the first movie they had started another one, they decided on the ring. This had pushed their movie time to around four hours long. Now they were packing some things to sneak out and go to the beach at almost midnight.

Camp camp Oneshot!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora