Knives not Butterflies

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With the eyes of crashing waves and smile of a riptide. It was so easy for me to fall into it and get trapped. A criminal like you shouldn't be walking. It's not being held hostage if I like it right. Why is it so easy for you to get me in your arms and keep me waiting for more. Why do I get sudden butterflies that aren't really butterflies because they feel like knives. Why do I stutter when I talk you, you'd think that in two years I'd be comfort. I'm just so in love that I'm stuck on rewind. Everyday feels like I'm meeting you again and falling in love again. The chuckle that makes my heart pound. The smell you have almost like catnip for a cat. That craving I get of wanting to hear your voice. Those bittersweet arguments that make me realize how much I love you because we're both idiots but that's something we can live with. The way that you suck at biting my lip, like it's not that hard, yet you're bad at it. The way you feel music not with your ears but with your heart. Your lips stand out the most, they feel like ice cubes on a hot day. Do you realize this stuff I mean I always do. The way you flex your muscles like you're trying to impress me which really doesn't because I see you, the you deep down before anything else. That little mustache that makes me feel like a Spanish lady. Her man that rescues her from the pain and exhaustion of the world and takes her on his horse and rides into the sunset looking for tomorrow. I'm crazy about you. Sometimes I get psycho thoughts where I have to keep you close to me. Jealousy rises. I can only have you. I love you and your mumbling.

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