Chapter 1

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I sat in my office staring at the blank word document I needed to begin typing on. I had an upcoming cover story I needed to write for the magazine I worked for. I was in charge of taking the cover photos and writing a short article about the photos I took.

The magazine company I worked for was one surrounded around photography. It was a new up incoming magazine that was still in its first couple years of publication. The magazine photos included landscape, travel, earth (worldly), and personal pictures. We had different monthly issues surrounding different types of photography themes. Every month a new issue would come out surrounded around a new topic in photography basically.

When I went to college for photography I never thought I would end up working for a photography magazine. I always imagined more for my self and a huge career. My personal dream has always been to one day open my own studio as well as becoming a well renowned photographer.

I still had my dreams of opening my own studio but it was just put on hold for now. The job I had was good and brought in some income so I needed to be grateful. Starting out small and working my way up was the way to go in this business and I was currently paying my dues.

“What’s got you so down buddy?” Jim asked as he walked into my office.

Jim stood in the doorway leaning against the doorframe with a half eaten apple in his hands.

Jim is a co-worker and friend. We’ve known each other for years. We met in college but lost touch when he transferred to a different school during his second year. We met back up when I got this job. He had been working here for a few months before I was hired so he showed me the ropes when I first started.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You look like someone stole your dog or something. Cheer up and crack a smile. Man you’re such a downer these days its time to lighten up. You know what you need a night out. I say we have a guy’s night out after work. We could hit up a bar and get a few drinks then meet a couple chicks,” Jim explained.

Just like that I remembered why I tried to keep a low profile at work. More so a low profile around Jim to be specific.

I knew Jim meant well but I didn’t like his idea of cheering me up. Since Keri had been in her coma Jim had been trying to get me out socializing. I didn’t feel it was right that I go off and have a good time when the woman I loved was suffering.

How would it look if I just went out to bars and had fun when Keri was laid up in a hospital bed seemingly unconscious? I needed to spend my free time sitting by her side and trying to help her come out of her coma.

“Jim I’m going to the hospital after work. I’m not interested in going out drinking and meeting other women. I have a woman if you haven’t forgotten that,” I said. 

Jim sighed as he fully walked into my office. He took a bite of his apple as he sat down in one of the two chairs in front of my desk. 

I didn’t want him to sit there and go into his usual conversation. I was tired of people telling me to get out and have fun. I didn’t want to have fun or get out. I wanted to work, see Keri, and then go home. I would scratch the latter task off my list if I could just stay at the hospital all night. But hospital policy over rules what I want personally. 

“If you haven’t noticed your woman is a vegetable. She isn’t waking up Aaron and it’s about time you face that. It’s been a year and there hasn’t been any improvement. I know you don’t want to hear this but I think it’s about time you move on. You need to move on and start living your life like you once did. She wouldn’t want you wasting your life away watching her sleep in a hospital bed anyway,” Jim said. 

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