Chapter 1: Perfect Crush

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Light shone through the blinds, an unmoving body slept beneath the blankets. The sleeping figure snored softly as they laid undisturbed, that was until another person barged into the room shouting. "Hey!! Marceline! Sis!! Wake up!! We're gonna be late for school!!!", the boy shouted, flailing his arms around frantically.
"Mmmrrr... no.. leave me alone", the half-asleep girl mumbled, then shifted to turn her back to the boy. The boy scowled, thinking, then he smiled at the idea he had thought of.
"Weeelll, then I guess you'll miss Bonnibel today... she said she wanted to eat lunch with you...", the boy said, fake dissapointment in his voice, then turned towards the door.
The girl's eyes shot open. She shot her head up to look at him, "What!?! She said that!?", she asked, blushing slightly. "Hmmm, yeah... but I guess you don't want to go-", he said sarcastically, before the girl jumped up and ran outside the door before he could even set foot outside or finish his sentence properly.
"Come on, slowpoke!!! Were gonna be late!!", the girl called back, suddenly rushing to get to school, the boy sighed then shook his head, as he headed down with his sister.
He was Marshall Lee, the "king" of bad boys at their school, and his older sister, Marceline, the "queen" of music at their school. They were the Abadeer siblings, famous for their pranks, talents, and skills. They lived on their own while their parents were abroad doing their jobs.
Right now, Marceline was rushing to brush her teeth, get her clothes, and to properly brush her hair, but it's technically no use, her hair is practically untamable.
Marshall Lee got down as his sister was hastily eating cereal. "Come on, Marshall! We have to go!", Marceline called as she had just finished brushing her teeth, she grabbed her bag then headed towards the door.

M's P.O.V
I was excited. Bonnibel Bubblegum, the girl of my dreams, had wanted to eat lunch with me. I had never rushed like this to school before.
Bonnibel was my best friend, we have been for a few years now. And in those years, I have grown comfortable around her... You know what? Forget it, I'll just say it, I'm in love with her. And I have been dying to tell her for a long time.
She's just so... perfect. She was smart, adorable, beautiful, popular, and so many more things that words can't describe.
I had no idea why I was so excited, we ate together everyday!
I was probably just excited to see her, I always am. I saw Marshall calmly walk out the door, bag on his shoulders and arms behind his head.
"Door's locked. Anymore things you need?", He asked me, "Nope! I just need to rush!", I replied, he just shrugged and smirked,
" 'Course you do. You need to be early for your 'princess'~", he teased. I glared at him. He knew about my secret. And I regretted telling him.
"W-whatever... Let's just go.", I grumbled, shoving him. He chuckled, then we walked to school.

No P.O.V
A few minutes later, the Abadeer siblings had reached their school. They pushed through the doors, and they got greeted with friendly "Hey!"s and friendly claps on the arm.
They split up to their different classrooms, Marceline walked into her classroom, where class hadn't started yet.
She scanned the room, then saw a pink face. The girl waved at Marceline. Marceline smiled brightly. There she was, the girl of her dreams.
Bonnibel Bubblegum, "princess" of the classroom. Marceline walked over to sit next to her.

BB's P.O.V
I waved at Marcline, signalling her to come over. She looked so cool in her leather jacket and blue jeans. I would do anything to hug her right now. Wait, what am I saying? I can hug her!
So, that's what I did. She walked up to me then I stood up and threw my arms around her.
Silent "Oooooh~"s swept around the room. Marceline was a little shocked, but she returned the embrace.
"What's wrong, princess? Miss me too much?", she said as we still shared the embrace.
I blushed slightly. "N-no. Just felt like it.", I replied, I then broke from the embrace. Marceline looked a bit sad because of that.
I stared into her bloodshot eyes. Their red color made her the more interesting and amazing.
I had been best friends with this girl for longer than most. I didn't have too much friends, because I was more of a leader.
But she was an exception, an incredible one. Truth is.... I was in love with her. I never showed it. Of course I wouldn't, what if she thought it was wrong? What if I ruin my relationship with her? I would never let that happen.
I have always been in good control of my emotions and feelings, I was an expert at it. So being oblivious around her was easy. Someone in our class cleared their throat.
Oh my glob, how long have we been staring into each other's eyes!?
I looked away hastily and rushed to my seat, Marceline also quickly looked away and took her seat next to me. I felt heat in my cheeks as I stared at the floor.
What was I thinking? I could have given away my cover! I slowly glanced at Marceline, and she slowly glanced at me.
Her slightly pale cheeks were tainted pink. It was adorable. She was adorable. I don't know how long I could stand not being able to kiss her- No.... My thoughts were disrupted as our teacher walked in.

M's P.O.V
Wow. That was all I could think as we stared at each other in the middle of the class.
Her purple eyes stared into my red ones. I couldn't believe how beautiful this girl was.
She was just amazing. I wish I could kiss her. I wish I could hold her. I wish I could stay by her side for the rest of my life. But, sadly, I knew I couldn't. She was too superior compared to me. And her parents probably won't approve.
She had been so subtle around me, I can't just ruin our friendship like that!
Then someone cleared their throat. Crap. Were we staring in each others eyes for a whole minute!? What the glob, Marcy!! I looked away and rushed to my seat.
Seriously? Daydreaming!? That is so lame, Marceline! So lame! The teacher walked in and class had officially started.

End of Chapter One

Whew! This was good!! Hope you guys liked the first addition to our adventure! Hope you guys enjoyed and will keep enjoying my fanfic!
Thanks for reading! And I will see ya'll in the next chapter.
Chow, Starries!!

Secret Feelings and Bad Histories (A Bubbline and Gumlee Highschool Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now