Living on Death Row

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Death comes for us all.

It's the thing that unites us all, no matter what you are. Whether you're a fairy, human, or anything else in this crazy world.

You can't escape death. It doesn't care whether you are good or bad. It doesn't care what you've suffered. It doesn't matter what you want or how hard you try to escape.

Eventually, it finds you.

I can feel death coming for me. I don't know when, or where, or how, but I know it's coming. I feel it. I can't shake the feeling.

I know it's coming and I can't do anything about it.

The murders are just too similar to be a coincidence. That kind of hatred, it's not normal. Hatred is a way of life around here. It runs through the streets with blood.

And yet they named it after a happy place. Carnival Row. A carnival, a place of joy and laughter filled with nothing but death. They should call it Death Row.

Someone is killing them and I know that I'm next. No matter how hard I try, I won't escape.

Yet I want to so badly. For the first time that I can remember, I don't want to die. Ironically, the reason why is exactly what seals my fate. I have something to live for. SomeONE to live for. What we feel for each other is worth living for, and if anyone knew, they'd kill us both. It's been that way since the war.

Despite that, we can't stop being together. We tried. We tried to stay away from each other. But fate had other plans.

Like death, fate doesn't care what we want. It doesn't care about the law, or the war, or any of the petty things that so many of us seem to care so much about. Fate only cares that you do what it wants, and it will rain down all kinds of hell if you try to refuse it.

Death, in that way at least, is a much kinder master. The only thing death will do is end you. Fate makes you wish you were dead, but it won't end you, no matter how much you want it. But it will also give you something that makes all that suffering worth it.

There is no escape.

Death comes for us all.

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