TCs, Age Gaps, and Nymphets

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Hi again! I'm so glad to be back to this book. Something came across my mind just now that I want to cover: Teacher Crushes and Age Gaps.

The reason why I bring this up now is because I want to talk about whether or not being a Nymphet means acquiring these things.

To start, we must first define what a Teacher Crush and an Age Gap is.

Now what is a Teacher Crush (aka a TC)? Well it's literally in the name, having a crush on a teacher! And an Age Gap is the distance of years between two people.

Now what does these two terms have to do with Nymphets?

For TCs, having one in the first happens to all and any person. But it isn't a requirement in order to be a Nymphet.

As for Age Gaps or in this case, Age Gaps in relationships, the same can apply here!

This is a short chapter I know but lemme know what else you want me to look up regarding Nymphets ♡︎

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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