skinny waist thick thighs

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Okay my thighs are pretty thick but my waist is skinny some people think "oh can't be that bad" WELL IT IS JEANS...
They fit perfectly for my thighs than it gets baggy up by my waist making then slip down and thus I have to pull them up all the time not to mention My back bones and coller bone you can legit touch the bones and see them if I arch my back than my coller bone can be a bowl
For example I can do this

And yes I have ate cereal from the dip in on my coller bone
XD it was a dare

Time for the worst part about my body Breast....
For thoose of you who don't know I'm trans female to male and i have breast now if I wear the wrong shirt you can SEE THEM WITHOUT HAVING TO TAKE W DOUBLE LOOK
Also trans boys out there don't use ace bandages they hurt
Baldy :/

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