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I stormed down the hallway,shoving Clarrisa out of my way. I did NOT feel like humering her at the moment. Once I had reached the end of the hallway I busted open the door to Mr.Corens classroom. Everyone stared in shock not moving or speaking. I stalked over to Jason's desk and hovered over it for a while just staring at him with cold eyes. I could hear Mr. Coren beginning to object. My icy eyes turned fiery hot in seconds. I whipped my head around and glared at him giving him a very clear message that he should back off and just give me detention after I had my tantrum. I grabbed Jason by the ear and yanked him across the room and out the door with me. It pfffttt'd back into place pitifully. I didnt slam it in afraid that it would just catch and it wouldn't go back all the way and would ruin the effect I was giving off. I grabbed his collar and held him to the wall." Apparently I tried to gouge out your eye with a pair of scissors." I moved my face closer to his. "Did I?" He blankly stared at me fear plainly painted across his dull face that all the girls for some reason raved over. I asked again more demanding this time. "Did I?" My words slurred through my clenched teeth. "N-n-n-no." He stammered his eyes widening and rounding into perfect circles. "Why is it posted all over every social media sight then?" I said drawing out my words to seem more intimidating. He drew a blank on this and just stared. I set him down. I knew he wouldn't run. I was stronger and faster than he was and he knew it. I rummaged through my back pack and found my pencil bag. I took it out and held it tauntingly infront of him as realization and horror struck his wimpy little face. I pulled out the scissors. I held them inches from his closed eyes and let him open and close his eyes for a while to see if they were still there. I lowered them and this time when he opened his eyes a look of relief smothered him. I knocked it off of him with a sock
to the face. He looked up at me and with surprisingly quickly new found confidence he said " that time of the month huh?" I punched him again,this time giving him a nose bleed. I reached into my bag. I finally found what I was looking for. I stuffed a tampon up his nose and shoved him back into class and waved to him daintily as I said so fake I almost wanted to rip my own throat out " So glad I could get you one that fit."and walked away.

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