Prompt: The Great War

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The most fun prompt from jules97128! A/U-ing it up in here and colliding her book, Cold Day in the Sun (which you should be reading) with That Blue Gibson! Because we both agree that Charlie and Liz would get on like a house fire, much to Taylor and Dave's detriment...


"You're sure we haven't crossed the border?"

"I'm sure," Liz laughed at Charlie's insistence that they somehow teleported to Canada when they were, in fact, on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. "The Northwest is just Little Canada or New Canada or..."

She looked up just as Krist sauntered past the aisle they were standing in with his arm hooked around an overflowing shopping basket and called down to her, "Cascadia!"

Liz snapped her fingers and pointed at his back, "There it is. Cascadia."

Charlie just laughed and shook her head at the two while idly perusing all the brightly colored bottles of various soaps in front of her.

"You guys need any bear mace? There's a big sale on bear mace," Krist's voice called from over the top of the tall shelving and Charlie scrunched her nose in confusion.

"No, we just stocked up, big guy! But thanks!" Liz yelled back, distractedly reading the bottle of shower gel in her hand.

"We did? Do...," Charlie dropped her voice to a whisper as if there were any bears in that drug store that might overhear, "Liz, do we need bear mace?"

"Everyone should carry bear mace," Krist announced from right behind them, making both girls jump at his unannounced arrival.

"You're fucking lucky I don't have some right now!" Charlie cried with her hand pressed against her pounding heart. "How in the hell does an eight-foot human sneak around like that?"

"Everything I know I learned from Sasquatch," he said as casually as ever and strode off down another aisle with that enigmatic smirk.

"Will you smell this for me?"

Charlie snapped her head back when Liz shoved a black bottle under her nose, then gingerly leaned in again to take a sniff, "What is it?"

"Does it smell like Dave?"

"Uh... I think we'd need to be in the liquor aisle for that one, Liz."

She sighed and dejectedly looked down at the label. "He ran out of that soap he really likes and I can't find it anywhere. Of all the things that man could be picky about..."

Charlie, wanting to help but not knowing at all where to even start, grabbed the first bottle she reached for, "What about this one?"

Liz eyed it for a second, then looked up at her face, "Nut Rub? C'mon Charlie, I'd never live that down if I get that for him."

"What about this one? ... no wait."

"Yeah, Ballwash isn't much better. Do guys really need it spelled out for them like that?"

"I dunno," Charlie shrugged, "Maybe they forget?"

"How in the hell can you forget to-"

"Here," Krist loped by, tossing a hot pink stick of deodorant into her basket.

Liz glanced down and read the label, only to roll her eyes, "No thanks," she muttered, placing it back on the shelf, "I'd like to stay married to this one, Krist."

His dark eyes twinkled with barely restrained taunts as he moved the entire shelf of Teen Spirit deodorant into his own basket, "Nah, he'll know it's from me."

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