14 | Another Battle at the Burrow

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POTTER'S ARMY REALLY BEGUN to show improvement over the course of a few weeks. It was hard for Draco to admit, but Potter was good at turning a bunch of nitwits into semi-decent fighters.

Draco watched through the window as Potter had them practicing Expelliarmus. For once, the Burrow was completely silent enough to hear a pin drop. He was sitting alone in the kitchen as he tried to avoid everyone as often as he could. Not that anyone minded. In fact, Draco was positive everyone but Granger was glad he never mingled. 

Draco loved engaging with Granger. Ever since she followed him to the abandoned church that one night, she continued to do so whenever he wandered away from everyone. As soon as his feet hit the forest, Draco always looked back to see if he would catch Granger's eyes. And he always did.

Some nights they would joke around with each other until dawn drew near; and other times Draco and Granger rested peacefully in one another's arms. At first it was completely unintentional and brought on by exhaustion, but the passed few times Draco found himself edging towards her.

Sometimes Draco would wonder if he and her were more than friends. But as soon as that though would hit, another one would come with it, except this one wasn't as nice.

How could Draco feel this way towards a Muggleborn? Draco swore his entire life that he would never love one—not that he loved Granger. So, what were these feelings he had?

Perhaps it was only lust. Granger was the only person Draco had any contact with for a while now. Not to mention, it had been so long since he felt the soft touch of a woman's skin.

The screen door snapped open and Draco slowly glanced over. In came George Weasley, his little sister, and Granger. A giant wooden crate sat in George's arms and unfortunately hit the ground as soon he came through the doorway, tripping over a broken plank in the floor. A couple dozen vials flew out of the box and some shattered on the ground.

"Of course! I spent forever on those!" George cried out in frustration.

Draco noticed as Granger immediately bent down to pick up the pieces and he swiftly moved next to her. Draco never would have helped anyone if there wasn't a chance to show off to Granger; she needed to see how good he is.

Granger glanced over to him with her nose scrunched up and asked, "Merlin Draco, did you put on enough cologne today?"

Draco looked at Granger strangely and responded, "I haven't had cologne since we come here."

He watched as her normal, thoughtful expression came into place. Perhaps she was thinking the same thing as him.

Granger chewed on her lower lip before she looked up at George. Her voice was anxious as she asked him, "What were in these, George?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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