First Track

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The wind was strong but not as strong as the storm. The dried leaves all flew away and here, stood a body of mine in chills and cold air brushing all over of me. The clouds were dark, it will rain anytime. But, I still urged myself to stay at that park, waiting for you.

"Sir, won't you entered inside first?", a girl, wearing a waiter outfit, maybe from the restaurant nearby me, tapped on my shoulder, asking me to entered the restaurant with her.

I turned my body to her. She smiled just like how a waiter should smile to their customers, very broadly. I dont replied back with a smile, instead I asked her to just went back to her workplace and served her customers.

"You hold something, right...?", by the sound of her voice, she sounds really curious about the thing I was holding on at my back.

"Yes, I am. What about it?".
"It must be a present".
"What do you want actually?".
"The present must be for someone's special. It is getting wet. The wrapper will torn later. She/he must be dissapointed".

I just stood still as the words she said entered my eardrums. I left both of us in a long silence. I stared at her eyes. The eyes of a cheerful and carefree kid, I assumed. By her appearance and the way of talking, she looks like a person free from problems in her life.

"..i will" , i sounded her, with a soft voice.
"Yes....?", she asked again, as she probably didnt hear what I just said.
"I mean, I will be your customer. Serve me like you please", I said while changing an eye contact with her.

She snorted a little, then smiled. Her eyes are small, so they would be turn to eyesmile shaped when she smiles. I found that adorable and giggled, as soon as she turned her body towards her workplace. Thank goodness, she didnt hear me giggled at her just now.

Ting! A doorbell sounds were heard all over the restaurant as soon as we opened the door.

"Welcome in. Choose any place you wanted to sit", she said while flipped each one of the menu's booklet.

I nodded and choosed my place, at the most corner of the restaurant. I sat near the window and glanced at the outside of the restaurant. The windows started stained with the raindrops, looks like a heavy rain as the raindrops cannot stop dripping fast until the bottom of the window.

"Raining....huh?", I cupped my face while still staring outside the restaurant. The rain gives me a feeling of grateful, as this past few days kept giving me sweats all over my body, the hotness of the weather cant be describe by words. It gave me idea to create a poem for it. A sudden knocked of my table, woke me up from continued to pour the idea for my poem.

"Uhmm, would you like to take an order? Any drink, perhaps...?", the girl again, now with the booklet menu gripped onto her chest tightly while the other hand, holding a notebook and a pen.

"Caffeine. Did you serve any?", i asked while turned my head to her.
"Yes, of course", while wrote something on her notebook, probably the 'coffee' word. "Anything else?", she added. I shook my head, means a "no".

She smiled again, her eyesmile showed for the third times now, maybe. She bowed a little, then turned her body and walked to the barista's area. My head automatically turned again to the window, and stared blankly at it. Then, I saw from far away a familiar silhoutte, maybe two people were heading towards the restaurant. It was getting clearer when the people approaching the door.

"It's... It's you!", I shouted and stood up quickly, a reflex action, as soon as both of them entered. Everyone was looking at me but I dont care at that time cause yes, it was my fiancee and....... a guy. A guy?

I looked at the waitress who quickly ran to them and welcomed them in. I paused my walk towards them. My legs felt heavy to lift to make a way to them. My mouth felt glued tightly and I can't talk any single word out of it. My ears felt like deaf for awhile, the noisy place felt so quiet. My eyes' vision got blurred as the salty water filling in my eyes. I cant give any reaction. The salty water just poured faster, just like the raindrops on the windows. My heart felt so dented, crumble and crushed.

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