A Gripping Story

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    "Wow, this book is really good!"

"I know. I wish I borrowed it, but I can come back tomorrow!"

Diana nodded at Jane as he reading pace slowed down to remember every sentence and detail of the story "A Gripping Tale". They both agreed on two things: One, the title would kill anyone's interest in buying the book and two, it was unfortunate that a brilliant story which could captivate everyone who read it held that boring title.

Nonetheless, Diana slipped the book in her bag and ran out of the store with Jane. Without paying for it.

Once they were out of sight in Diana's house, and they could not hear the cashier's shrieks and calls, they high-fives each other, not feeling an ounce of guilt. Instead, they were filled with excitement.

Suddenly, a phone buzzed. Jane frowned, and she took it out of her pocket. "Welp, I gotta go. My mom is waiting for me."

The two friends exchanged their farewells, and Jane left the ginormous house. Diana pulled out the book from her black satchel and started reading the next chapter of the book.

    The day stretched to night, and the sun fell asleep while its sibling went out to shine. Diana still had the book in her hands, but she already finished the entire story. She just wanted to read it again.

    The door opened, startling Diana, but it revealed to be just her father and mother, smiling at her. "Honey, how was your day?"

    Diana responded without her eyes leaving the page. For the entire night, her hand clung onto the book while she ate dinner, brushed her teeth, and she would have taken it to the shower if her mom hadn't said, "Diana. Your book."

    She climbed onto bed and closed her eyes to go to the lands of slumber, hugging the book tight.

    As black goo emerged from the back cover and attached itself to her hand.

    Diana woke up without the need of an alarm — it was one of the few good habits of hers. The clock told her it was 6.00 AM, and she needed to get ready to go to school. She yawned, realizing the book was still on her hand. Despite wanting to read a chapter, she decided to not bring it to school. Besides, there's one in the library!

    Until she realized it was not an option. She tried to remove the book, but the book stayed put. She pulled harder. It still stayed. She then pulled so hard that if it were simply glued, it would tear off her skin.

    Still stuck.

    At that point, she panicked, but she stayed calm, and decided to go about her day with the book in hand.

As soon as she walked downstairs after brushing her teeth, her mom greeted, "Good morning, sweetie! I- Why are you still holding that book?"

Despite Diana insisting that she couldn't get it off, her mom tried to remove the book. However, just like Diana, she discovered that the book wouldn't let go of her hand. Even her father, who had the strength of a bear, struggled to get it off.

    "Eh, it'll be fine," her mother assured. "We can solve it after school."
        Her father also made the offhand comment of "Besides,  they'll think we're crazy for letting our daughter skip school... Because of a goddamn book."

    The rest of the day went as usual. Of course, some students and teachers asked Diana why she had the book in hand. They made it a challenge to remove the book, and the crowd would cheer them on or watch without a sound. Alas, they weren't the chosen ones, and the book still gripped on her hand like an insect in a spiderweb.

    Oh sorry, did I say hand? I meant arm. By recess, the goo consumed her entire arm, and everyone freaked out. The nurse even suggested to have her arm amputated in the hospital which the teacher replied with a smack on her forehead.

    Diana asked Janice for help even though she had absolutely no idea where the black goo came from. Scientists might as well conduct experiments on her, and even they would have little to no clues on its origin.

    Well, nothing a little theory can fix.

    "Remember how you stole the book?" Diana nodded, the goo crawling on her chest. "Maybe it's a punishment? Either way, you should return the book and pay the fine. I don't even know why we stole it in the first place."

    Diana giggled at the last sentence, but deep down, she knew what she did was wrong, and once the bell rang for dismissal, she began her journey to the bookstore.

    Easier said than done. The goo's speed increased, and at the halfway point, it covered her left leg, attaching itself to the ground. With all of her strength, she lifted her foot of the ground and sprinted as fast as a rabbit.

    The nearer the bookstore was, the more the goo devoured her. By the time she reached the entrance to the bookstore, the goo ate up her left arm and her upper body, leaving only the head and the weakened spirit of Diana. Fortunately the cashier noticed, and he ran out of the counter and opened the door for her.

    He carried her to the front of the counter, returned to his place, and smiled.

    "That's what you get for stealing, huh?" She wanted to scream for help, but the goo clutched her throat, rendering her speechless. She could only nod.

    Somehow, her right arm, which held the book, could function without slowness. She gave the book to the cashier, and all of a sudden, the black goo retreated, leaving without a trace on her body. The black goo entered the book and disappeared.

    "Aight, pay up. Twice the amount, by the way. Otherwise, you're going to jail."

    Diana sighed, but she only felt relief as she handed over the cashier the money. She walked out of the bookstore, vowing to never steal ever again.

    Now she understood why the book held the title "A Gripping Tale".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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