chapter one

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I walk through the halls of Hogwarts looking for someone. She makes me want to be different a better kind of person. I have been in love with her almost since the moment I met her. I somehow knew where she would be in the room of requirement. So I headed there with a heavy heart. There was something that I needed to tell and ask her. I was finally at the door. It was our unofficial meeting place.

They all say it

All the ones that made it

Once you find the one you claim it

But you’re gonna have to fight


I am shaking I am that nervous. No one knew this but we got together right after the Yule ball and have been dating ever since. Even during the war. My father even knew. And even though we’re not married considers her his daughter – in – law. They both respect each other. But on the outside he acts like he hates all muggleborns. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. His oldest and best friend happens to be her father. They both jumped for joy when we started dating. The only people we care about who don’t know are Harry, Ron, Theo and Blaise. Ginny surprisingly has kept it quiet for us.

When I think back

Things that threw us off track

We handled like a heart attack

Cause we didn’t see the light

Ooooooooooo, I found

Why am I so nervous. I mean I am Draco Malfoy but still. I mean it’s not every day you ask your long term girlfriend to marry you. I take a deep breath and open the door and see her sitting by the fire. “Mia have you been waiting long?” I ask smiling at the beautiful woman in front of me. “No not long. So how has your day been?” Mia asks. “It’s been good. Dad wants your family to come for dinner over the holidays.” I said. “ I’ll send an owl and let mum and dad know. Dray is there something wrong?” Mia asks. “No there isn’t but there is something that I need to ask you. You always could pick up when something was up.” I said smiling at her.

We both know our own limitations,

That’s why we’re strong

Now that we spend some time apart

We’re leading each other out of the dark

Cause we both know

“What is it Draco?” Mia asked as I got up from the couch and got the ring out of my pocket. I bend down on one knee. “Hermione Rae Granger will you marry me?” I ask waiting patiently for the answer which I am hoping would be a yes. “Draco Lucius Malfoy of course I’ll marry you. Yes, yes ,yes!” Hermione exclaimed leaping onto me. I spun her around and kissed her. I couldn’t be happier.

From this moment

Forget what we were scared of

Say we’re never giving up

You say you’ll always

When we broke apart she looked very worried. “Mia, my darling what is the matter?” I asked kissing her hands. “Well, I’m just afraid,” Hermione said. “What are you afraid of?” I asked. “I’m afraid of what our friends will think.” Hermione said. “Hey, hey let’s worry about that later. Right now let’s just be happy about the engagement.” I said kissing her on her forehead.

Try to be my

Helpin  hand

Try to be the one who understands

If you don’t go as you planned

We’re still worth it all

Oooooooooooooo, yea now……


“Honey, we’ll take it one step at a time. But no matter what we’ll tackle this together, as a team.” I said as I embraced Hermione. “Okay, you’re right. We both will be strong and make the other stronger.” Hermione said leaning into my embrace. At the moment neither of us could help but smile. Nothing could ruin the moment. Even the fact that we had to tell our friends, that we have been in a relationship for years.

We both know our own limitations,

That’s why we’re strong

Now that we spend some time apart

We’re leading each other, out of the dark

Cause we both know

I think that what we both feared the most is rejection from our friends. “I think we should tell them tonight.” I said. “I agree. Why don’t we send them a patronus to get them here.” Hermione said right before we did just that.

What we’re scared of (What we’re scared of)

What dreams are made of (what dreams are made of)

They can take us further than what

Anybody can see and

They were in the room of requirement in no time flat. But when they realized who else was in the room daggers were being shot at each other. “Hermione, what is going on? And what are Malfoy, Nott and Zabini doing here?” Ron asked. “Would you all sit down and all will be explained as soon as Ginny is here.” Hermione said.

We both know our own limitations,

That’s why we’re strong

Now that we spend some time apart

We’re leading each other, out of the dark

Ginny then came rushing through the door. “Sorry I’m late. I was in the library when I got your patronous. What is up with them?” Ginny asked. “Well we never told them.” Hermione said. “Well I think it is time that you did.” Ginny said.

We both know our own limitations,

That’s why we’re strong

Now that we spend some time apart

We’re leading each other, out of the dark

Cause we both know

We both know.

“Well there is something that we need to tell all of you. The Malfoy’s and the Granger’s have been friends since before Lucius went to Hogwarts. Draco and I have been friends our entire lives. In fact we have been dating since a little after the Yule Ball. Draco and I just became engaged tonight. We are terribly sorry that we didn’t tell you sooner. We just were afraid what you would say.” Hermione said as everyone besides Ginny was stunned into silence.

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