chapter two

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Chapter two

Nothing was said for quite some time. But when it was it shocked all of us. “So what the mud blood is actually a pureblood.” Pansy scoffed. The look of panic on Blaise and Theo’s faces were evident almost like they knew what was going to happen. They actually knew but kept the secret because we have been friends since we were all in diapers. The only ones out of our friends that didn’t have a clue were Pansy, Harry, Ron and Ginny. I believe that Ginny suspected something for a while now. Though I think that had a lot to do with who she was dating. I was the only person outside of the two of them that knew. So by default so did Draco. Though I doubted he would tell anyone Blaise being one of his best friends after all. “Draco don’t she’s not worth it.” I said . “Mia that is not the point this needs to be done so that she doesn’t spout nonsense again.” Draco said with fierce eyes that I knew weren’t directed at me. So I walked over to the coach to watch what was about to unfold. I knew that both of our father’s would applaud whatever is about to go down. Even though they liked Butcher Parkinson, Pansy’s father.”Pansy let me make myself very clear. You insult Mia or anyone she is associated with I will hear about it and you will regret it. This I promise you. Right now I am controlling my anger. Do something to make me lose it and I promise you that it won’t be pretty. Oh and one more thing. Never call Mia that deplorable worse because she is worth a hundred of you.” Draco said as Theo and Blaise physically looked relieved. We all knew for a fact that Draco could have easily blown up on her. “Pansy I think that it is best that you leave.” Blaise said as he and Theo stood in front of me and Ginny. Ron and Harry nodded their heads in agreement. Which was a very rare event in itself. Gryffindors and Slytherins agreeing upon anything much less about one person. I know see that maybe this will help mend the ties of Gryffindor and Slytherin that has had over the last millennium. After Pansy had left there was still many unanswered questions. “Guys are you okay with all of this?” I asked. “If he makes you happy and doesn’t hurt you. Then we couldn’t be happier for you.” Harry said with a smile upon his face. “Potter I would be willing to have a true with you and the Gryffindors for Hermione. Would that be okay with you?” Draco asked extending his hand for Harry to take. “I agree.” Harry said taking Draco’s hand and shaking it. It wasn’t friendship yet but it was a start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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