𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤

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       "My dear~? Are you coming out of your room yet? Im terribly bored without you by my side."

      (Y/n) yawned and stretched, rubbing her head as she gently pushed the covers away and got up out of bed, her hair messy from how wild she slept. To be honest, she hadn't gone to sleep until about 2 am, which it is now about 9. Her mind and body was too into what was happening.

     What exactly was happening? Well, everyone was, well, is, being forced into this delusional game of having to decode these things called a decoder, and having to escape after decoding at least five of them. And she mentioned they were very very very hard to decode. But, not only that, but theres apparently a team of hunters, the group shes on, that's gonna be hunting them all down and killing them one by one.

      Well, there was something good about that. Instead of automatically dying, you'll be restrained into a chair for no more than 30 seconds, meaning your teammates can save you. But, she mentioned that wouldnt be easy either. But, it was still a good thing to know about.

      Now at the door, she rubbed her eyes and opening it as a another yawn left her mouth. "Good morning, Mike."  Her head bobbed a bit to the side. "Good morning, my dear! I'm afraid you have forgotten to say good morning to one more lad." Wondering what he meant, her head continued to bob before she understood what he meant and seen the dark haired Male she had seen before standing right beside Mike.

     His cheeks were flushed a bit from her sleepy and cute nature, but nonetheless, he raised a hand and greeted himself. "Good morning." Silence before the storm. She screeched and quickly rushed back into the room, slamming the door behind her. Both Mike and Norton sent each other a confused glance at the noises behind the door before it opened to reveal a panting (Y/n).

    "G-Good... Good morning, sir!" She smiled sheepishly. Norton waved his hands and laughed a bit. "Theres no need to put sir at the end of my name. My name is Norton. Norton Campbell." He held put his hand, making the female take it and shake it, aweing at how calloused it felt. "Sure.. sure, my name is (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). My current occupation is detective." His eyes gleamed a bit.

    "I herd from my buddy, Mike here! I had no idea you were so cool, miss!" She blushes a bit and averts her eyes as she laughs subtly. "Y- Yes..." She then hears her stomach growl, making Mike coe. "Awe~ My darling, are you starving? Let's fetch some tea and crumpets, aye." She frowned.

    "Stop mocking my accent, you stupid fake joker." Mike turned animated almost as arrows with "fake", "stupid" and "joker" hit him. He fell down dramatically as a fake tear went down his cheek. Meanwhile, the other two continued to walk on. He shakingly reached his gloved hand out.

    "That... was so mean of you..." He fell flat against the floor.

    "...my dear."


        (Y/n) felt somewhat awkward sitting in between a the emotionless girl from yesterday, and another girl that seemed very serious. Not only that, but she was wearing a females military uniform. "Dear, are you okay? You seem down in the dumps! Shall I juggle for your attention?" Mike giggles. She shakes her head with a small sigh.

     "No, Mike, you do not have to juggle for my attention," She switched her attention to the smaller emotionless girl and she awkwardly coughs. "U- Uhm, excuse me, miss, but... do you mind if I introduce myself?" The female turned her blank stare to (Y/n), making the detective shiver a bit. "No. I dont mind but please make it quick." She nodded.

    "Alright then. My name is (Y/n) (L/n),  british detective. Might I know your name?" The orange haired girl slowly nods. "I... feel like I can trust you, miss British detective." Her cold eyes went aloof again. "My name is Ashina. I have no last name for I do not bear it with me anymore. Not only that, but I'm a knives thrower." Her gloved hand reached up and she jerked it down, making knives jump out from their hiding spots in the middle of her knuckles.

      The detective gulped a bit and paled whilst Mike was in awe. "Oooh! That was so cool, Milady! Do you mind showing me that trick again?! We probably can be partners!" He wrapped an arm around their shoulders, pulling them together. "Mike Morton, the juggling king, and his two famous partners, (Y/n) the detective and Ashina the Knives thrower!" He laughs and he grinned at the two.

    "That sounds-!"

      "Utterly stupid."

       "Amazingly dumb." The two females deadpanned at the same time making the boy cry in an old animated type way. "My partners are way too cruel! So cruel, they are!" He dramatically cried whilst the other to got out of their seats aswell. "I'm going to my room. Leave me alone." Was all the orange haired girl mumbled before she left.

      It wasnt only just them in the dining room. It was also a male wearing a blue cloak with a black mask of some sorts over his eyes, accompanied by a male wearing a white mask over his mouth and chin, his white hair cascading down to back of his neck in a ponytail.

      The white haired male seemed to notice her stare and surprisingly and shyly, averted his eyes. His hands were under the table, gripping something. She didnt know what, but she sorta wanted to find out. Standing up, Mike whined as the female just walked past him and to the other two males across the table.

     "Excuse me?" The two males looked up, wondering why she had come over. She smiled. "Good morning. Have you both had a good night's rest?" The shy one slowly nodded whilst other one shrugged. "That's good. Well, I'm here to introduce myself. My name is-"

    "We already know who you are." She was shocked by the cloaked males sudden talking, his voice being deeper then she expected. What seemed to be an owl flew in, letting out a noise as he landed on his shoulder. He patted the owl and the owl turned it's weird and somewhat disturbing stare to her, making her shudder. "W- Well... Uhm.. maybe I could.. know your names also?"

      "My name is... Aesop." The white haired Male mumbled softly, causing the females heart to squeeze at his cuteness. "Seer." The cloaked male muttered. She smiled softly but gasped when Mike suddenly appeared beside her out of nowhere. "You didnt know who they were already, my dear?"

     "M- Mike?! You..!" She huffed before shrugging. "What does it have to do with you, aye?" She cursed herself for letting her slang come out somewhat. "My sweet sweet partner and dear," He smirked darkly. "These two arent people you want to play with. Just saying~" He coed before bouncing away, making her gulp.

     What was that supposed to mean..?

      She sighed before waving at the two goodbye, but made sure to get one single glance. Morton's word seemed to stay with her the whole day, eyes closing as she laid on the bed.

     I'm not sure what Mike meant by those words. But...

      Her bottom eyes opened, revealing a certain glint in them only Mike himself would know about.

       I'm going to find out.

           One way, or another.

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