Nap Time

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Roman walked into the living room of the Mindscape to be greeted by Logan and Patton cuddling on the couch. He smiled lightly. He'd never say it out loud, but they were truly his OTP. Of course he was happy that the nerd finally asked out the dad-like personality after much convincing from both Virgil and himself, but he still couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness that came with seeing them together so much. 

He looked around the room and saw Virgil nodding off slightly in the gray love-seat that was diagonal to the TV. Since it was the only seat left, and he didn't want to intrude on Logan and Patton, he sat down next to the less-than-half awake Virgil. "Heya Princey." Virgil's soft tired voice said casually. "Hey Virge, how much sleep did you get last night?" He asked, knowing full well he probably didn't get much. "Ehh, I dunno, but I'm tirredddd." Virgil's voice slurred from exhaustion. 

Roman chuckled lightly. "You should go to sleep then." Virgil made a hushed whiney noise. "But I don't wannna. This couch isn't comfy enough." When Virgil was tired enough, he sounded like an uneducated four year old. Roman smiled at the thought. "Do you want me to take you to your room?" Virgil shook his head stubbornly. "Nope! I don't wanna move." "Then what do you want me to do? Bring you a pillow?" Virgil looked at home for a minute, thinking about his offer. "Mmmm, no." Roman nodded then looked towards Logicality over there, whom both were asleep. 'Is it nap time or something?' He looked at the tv screen that was on mute. (Tv can both show what Thomas is doing and regular movies and shows.) Thomas himself was in fact taking a nap. 

Suddenly he felt something flop on top of him. He looked down and acknowledged that the 'something' was Virgil getting comfortable to sleep. "Glad I'm a couch to you, Virge." Roman chuckled out. Virgil flung his hand back onto Roman's face and childishly whispered out a 'shhhh'. Roman nodded and draped a fuzzy blue blanket over both of them. "Night Virge." he laughed softly as the exhaustion hit him. "Night night Princey." Virgil mumbled into Roman's shirt, quickly falling asleep himself.


"OHMYGAWDLOGANTHEY'RESOCUTE!!!" Patton all but screeched, startling a prince and a tired emo. Logan took a long sip of his coffee before smirking evilly, "Don't forget to get pictures."

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