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Hi there,

It's been a long long while when the last time I had updated this story. I guess, I've been so busy with everything going on with my life that I almost forgot the little side of me being a wattpad author. Hahaha.

Though, I've read and appreciate all the comments and you spending a little of your precious time to read my books. Thank you.

Seriously, I'm still hoping to finish the stories that I've started. Simply because, I don't wanna waste the time invested and my braincells to come up with a storyline then just put it to trash. It takes a lot of guts for me to start and it will take more to finish.

For that, I have decided that instead of deleting it, I'll make a revision. A little change of settings and characters to boost my inspiration.

That's it! Gonna go edit and re-publish everything soon. Also working on with new chapters for both books. So yeah, let's keep going. 😎👊

Peace and love.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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