Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


 In the middle of reading, someone knocked on the front door. I put my book down and went downstairs. When I opened the door to see who was there, I gasped. My mother came into the living room and looked at concerned. "Who's at the door Emma?" my mother asked me. I didn't answer her. I couldn't. I was too shocked to answer her question. My mother finally just walked towards me and gasped when she saw who was at the door. "Emma go to your room" my mother told me sternly. I backed up and slowly walked upstairs to my room. I couldn't think straight. There at the door was....

my father.

I sat on my bed and listened to my parents talk. "How did you find us Liam?" I heard my mother ask. "It wasn't that hard. I've always knew where two were. I just waited until someone in this village ratted you out" my father said. Wait! He knew where we were all this time? Was it him who I saw in the woods every night and today when I was watering the plants? "You knew where we were?" my mother asked him. "Yes and I've been watching her all these years. Watching her grow up without a father" my father said.

"What are you going to do now Liam?" my mother asked. "I'm taking you and her back to the castle where both of you belong" he said. "Why not take us when you found us?" my mother asked. "I wanted to but I waited. All of us waited. Of course it was hard for Niall but we held him back as hard as we could" my father said. King Niall? How could I forget about King Niall?. "He wants you dead for taking his mate away from him" my father said. King Niall wants my mother dead?

"But he will not act on it" my father continued. "Only because you are my mate and he knows I will kill him" my father told my mother. "So we agreed on a punishment" my father said. "What kind of punishment?" my mother asked. "You will be held in the dungeon until you have learned your lesson" he told her. Held in the dungeon? Did he really agree to this?

"Do you really want that Liam?" my mother asked. "No of course not. I love you Sophia but, you have to be punished, I'm sorry" my father said. "I love you too Liam but, you have to understand why I did what I did. I wasn't ready for Emma to be with her mate. I wasn't ready to let her go" my mother's voice cracked. "I wasn't ready either Sophia, but we had to let her go" my father said sadly. "I'm sorry Liam. I'm so so sorry" my mother said before starting sobbing.

"Why don't you and Emma pack your things so we can get back to the castle" my father said. "No! Me and Emma are not going back to the castle" my mother said. "Why not?" my father said angrily. "Because she will be with Niall and I will not allow it" my mother said. "You have no choice in it" my father told her. "I am the Queen" my mother said. "You may be the Queen but, you don't have a say in anything. The males are the only ones who has a say in anything" my father said. "She's my daughter Liam" mother said. "She's our daughter Sophia" my father shouted. "You two will come back to the castle. Even if I would have to force you" my father said sternly.

"Liam please" my mother pleaded. "Pack your things" my father said clearly ignoring her pleading. I heard footsteps coming up the steps. I got up and opened my bedroom door. I watched as my mother walked up the stairs. "Pack your things Emma" my mother told me before going to her bedroom. I walked to my closet to get my suitcase. I set my suitcase on my bed before starting packing my things. After about an hour, I was finally done. I grabbed my suitcase and started dragging it downstairs. Once I was downstairs, I noticed my father looking around the cottage.

I let go of my suitcase only making a loud noise. My father looked at me and smiled. He then held out his arms asking for a hug. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I've missed you so much baby girl" he told me squeezing me tight. "I've missed you too daddy" I said while a tear made it's way down the side of my face. My father let me go and wiped the tear with his thumb. "Don't cry baby girl. I'm here now." he told me. "I'm sorry daddy" I said looking down at the floor ashamed of crying in front of one of the Kings. "It's OK" he told me.

I heard my mother's footsteps coming down the stairs. "I'll take your suitcases to the car" my father said before taking mine and my mother's suitcases and going out the door. A few moments later my father came back in. "Let's go" he said. We walked outside and to the car. "Daddy?" I said. "Yes baby girl?" my father asked. "I don't want to leave my friends" I told him. "Well why don't we talk to their parents and see if they can move to the castle with us" he told me. "Really?" I asked smiling. "Yes now lead the way to their houses" he told me turning to my mother who was smiling also and took her hand.

i walked to Eleanor's house first. I knocked on the door and Eleanor opened it after a few seconds. "Emma? What are you and your mother doing here with one of the Kings?" Eleanor asked me curiously. "Well you see El he's my father" I told her. "King Liam is your father?" she asked me shocked. "Yeah" I told her. "Oh well why don't you guys come in and I'll go get my mother" she told me before disappearing into the kitchen. We walked into El's house and just stood in the living room.

"Eleanor, Emma's father died a long time ago" El's mother said while coming out of the kitchen but looked up at us when she heard my father's angry growl. He clearly did not like the lie my mother told everyone. "Oh Sophia. Is it really true that King Liam is Emma's father?" El's mother asked my mother. "Yes It's true" my mother said."Oh" El's mother replied. "Listen we need to ask you something" my mother said. "Ask me anything" El's mother said. "Well we are moving back to the castle and well we want to know if Eleanor will maybe want to move with us" my mother told her. "Yes! Mother please. Let me move with Emma. Please mother" Eleanor pleaded. "Alright you can go but, only if you call me often" El's mother said. "Oh thank you mother. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" Eleanor said while hugging her mother.

"Wait what about Lidia and Perrie?" Eleanor asked. "We're going to their houses too" I told her. "Well let's make this quicker. I'll go talk with Perrie and you guys can talk to Lidia" Eleanor said. I looked at my father to see what he thought. He nodded his head agreeing. "Alright we're meet you at the car" I told her. "Great but, let me pack first" she told us before running upstairs to her room. Half an hour later, she came back down with her things. "That was quick" I told her laughing. "I'm excited leave me alone" she told me laughing.

After putting El's  stuff in the car, we went our separate ways. I knocked on Lidia's door and her mother answered. "Emma? Is that you?" she asked me. "Yeah we need to ask you something" I told her. ":Well come on in" She told us opening up the door wider so we can get through. "We sat down in the living room. "so what do you need to ask me?" she said. "Well I was wondering if it was alright if Lidia moved away with me" I told her. "Where are you going?" She asked me. "Back to my father's castle" I told her. "Oh? I thought your father was dead" she told me. "No my mother just lied to prevent my father from finding us" I told her. "Well let's see what Lidia thinks" she said just before Lidia came down with... suitcases?

"I was already packing" she said. "Sorry for eavesdropping though" she apologized. "It's OK Lidia" my mother told her. "OK let's get your suitcase in the car' my father said walking towards the door. "Bye mother" Lidia said to her mother before leaving.

When we reached the car, I saw Eleanor and Perrie putting suitcase in the boot. "So I'm guessing Perrie's parents said yes" I said. "Yep they did" Perrie chirped. After putting Lidia's suitcases in the car, we all piled in and started the long drive to the castle. About half way there, I fell asleep.

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