Hardy Boyz Return

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Shane: Thia next one is Jeff and Matt returning at Wrestlemania.

Stone Cold: Put it on.

Undertaker: I want to see how they look  in the future.

Hardy Boyz: Us too.

Undertaker: I know you both do.

Cole: And here we go.

The New Day's theme starts playing.

Rock: I love that beat.

Cole: What on earth?

King: Well they're the host-

Cole: That doesn't they can show up whenever they want.

King: -of Wrestlemania

The crowd chants 'New Day Rocks' and Cole and King are talking to each other.

Kurt: So their name is The New Day.

Undertaker: Cheesey.

Everyone else chuckles.

Big E: Ladies and gentlemen, as you Wrestlemania host, we must inform you that we just tecieve word.

Trish: What is it?

Big E: That this latter match has just become a fatal four way.

Hardy Boyz: Cool.

Xavier: Which means there is one more team involve on this match.

Stone Cold: I'm know it's the Hardyz, but I'm still hyped for this.

Kane: Me too

Kofi: Now, I wonder who this fourth team could possibly be.

Kurt: I swear this is getting really hype.

HBK: We all know who it is, the hype is getting stronger.

Undertaker: Even I'm starting to get hype.

Everyone gets hyped for what they already know is going to happen.

There is a long pause then a familiar intro playing getting everyone on their feet chearing for their life.

Undertaker: Damn look how their grown.

The Hardyz come out.

Cole: Oh my!

King: Things are about to be broken. Team Extreme is back.

Jeff dances like usual.

Jeff H: Hey I still got it.

Matt H: Wow look at us.

Jeff H: I know.

Vince: You boys have grown up so much.

Stone Cold: Damn. That's making me feel old.

Undertaker: Not only you.

Cole: Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz are here.

King: You've got to be kidding me.

Kurt: Nope it's actuall happening.

Everyone smiles at the video seeing how much Matt and Jeff have grown so much.

King: You've got to be kidding me.

Cole: No way.

Undertaker: Those made the latter match the wat it is today.

King: This unbelievable. Matt and Jeff Hardy, help innovate the latter match made what it is today.

Stone Cold: Took the words right out of your mouth.

Everyone chuckles.

King: Listen to this place.

Cole: This is insane.

Vince: It really is.

Bret: Wow, you boys have grown up so well.

HBK: You boys need to stop cause you're making feel so old.

Everyone starts laughing hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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