Chapter 9:

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Ethan's POV
I turn off my lamp. I needed to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I just pissed Aiyana off. Everything was perfect, until I came inside her. Fuck. (Pretend there is not a morning after pill/plan B) why did I do that?  What was I thinking? I was just caught up in the moment. Fuck this. I get up and turn on the light. I walk out into the hall way and make my way to Aiyanas's room.
Aiyana's POV
I hear a knock at the door, and I assume it's Ethan. I should be asleep, but I was up over thinking. "Aiyana?", he whispered. "Come in", I say quietly. I was turned on my side so I couldn't see his face. "Aiyana, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know what I was doing, I-I.....just....I'm sorry".  "I know it's, ok", I paused. "But you wouldn't have to go through the pain or the anxiety, I'm not ready for this", I say while my eyes water. "I know, Aiyana I know", I cut him off. "Do you, Do you really?", I asked turning around. "Ethan can you just go? We can just get some sleep and talk about it in the morning?", I say looking away. He gets up and leaves. I lay back down, and drift off to sleep.
I woke up to the bright sun, shinning on my face. Ughhh. I looked at my phone and saw it was 12:26 I got up and walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was terrified by what I saw. Myself. Ewwww. I had forgot to take my makeup off. It was smudge, my body was sweaty, and sticky. I decided to take a shower. I started the water and got everything situated.
Ethan's POV
I sit here looking at my phone. I look at the time. It read 12:37. She should be up by now. I got up out my bed and walked to Aiyana's room. I knocked, no answer. "Aiyana?", my voice loud. No answer. I walk in and hear the shower running.
   I decide I'm not going to bother her and let her take her shower. I walk down stairs, and walked into the kitchen. I think I'm gonna make breakfast for her? But what do I make?  Shit, what even can I make? Hmmmmm.....Pancakes!! I think to myself as I nod my head and smirk. As I'm getting everything ready, Grayson walks through the front door. Woah I completely forgot about Grayson. Where has he been? I didn't even know he left. "Grayson, where have you been?", I say looking confused . He looked worn down , his eyes were bloodshot and he had bags under his eyes. "Out", he says as he grabs a bottled water and heads upstairs. Wtf? He wasn't even at the hospital, when I was injured . I was so worried about Aiyana I didn't even think about my twin brother. Guilt started to build up in my body. I decided to talk to him later and make these pancakes.
Aiyana's POV
I put my hands on the side of the tub and lowered myself into it. I can't really stand, so I decided to take a sitting down shower. The warm water hit my body and I started to relax and just be with my thoughts. I had soft indies music playing in the background. I've missed two or three days of fucking school. I just realized Grayson has been fucking MIA, since I've been here. I just lost my virginity to a guy I know of, but don't really know. I also might be pregnant. Wtf had my life turned into? I can't ever just have a normal day. But the sex was was MORE than great, it was.......amazing. I think I'm falling for Ethan Dolan. He also seems to care about me and I think we will become something more. I'm not in love or anything cause I barely know the guy. But I feel something, and I can't wait to find out what it is.
Ethan's POV
I finished making the pancakes and I've been sitting here for awhile. I look at the time and it's 2:45. God how long has she been showering. I decided to go check on her. I walk up the stairs and walk to her room. I open the door, with out knocking. There is no point. I walked in and went straight to the bathroom door. Again I opened it with no knock. I've already seen her. I walk in and see the shower curtain. "Aiyana?". No answer. I pull open the curtain slowly. I see Aiyana sleeping peacefully. She's so beautiful. I walk over and get two towels. I set one down on the counter and walk over to the shower. I picked her up and wrapped her in the towel. How tf is she still asleep? I just picked her up and wrap a whole towel on her. I shook my head in disbelief, and chuckled to myself. I then grabbed the other towel and wrapped it around her hair. I think this is how you do it? I walked out the bathroom with Aiyana in my arms, and set her onto the bed. I shook her hard (not like hurting her) considering she's a heavy sleeper. "Hmmmm", she said as she opened her eyes. "Hey, I made pancakes for you", I say sweetly. She smiles wide. Lol she must be hungry, but when is she not. I chuckle to myself. "Ok, well get out so I can get dressed", she says while laughing, and hits me with a pillow. I laugh while getting up and I walk out the room. She seems like she's in a good mood. Hopefully it stays that way.
Aiyana's POV
I laugh to myself and think, I can't stay mad at him. Even if I try really....really hard. I sighed. I get up slowly cause my leg still hurts. I make my way to the closet and pick out an outfit. I decided to put on a cute gray graphic tee, with pink (the brand, not color) pj short shorts and a brown long cardigan. I also added some fuzzy socks and some Ugg's. I went into the bathroom and took the towel off my head. I dried my hair and put it into a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way downstairs. I walked down and saw Grayson and Ethan. "Hey, Grayson", I say trying to make an attempt to talk. "What's up", he says while looking down. I make my way into the kitchen and Ethan hands me a plate, of pancakes. "There's butter, syrup, and strawberries", Ethan says while smiling. It's cute how we are having breakfast at 3:00 in the afternoon. I laugh. " thank you", I say while sitting down. It got awkward real fast. We all just looked at each other while eating. " here now, don't you have your own house?", he says while taking a sip of his orange juice. I choke up. "I think, and ummm....some stuff happened with my father".
"Like what?", he asked. Damn mind your business. Ethan read my mind,"Grayson, mind your damn business. Maybe if you were actually here these past few days you would know", Ethan snapped. Wow that escalated fast. Grayson stayed quiet. "So...where have you been?", I ask. "If I can't ask one question then you can't, mind your business", he snapped. "Actually bitch you asked two and I answered one, so I get to ask one fucking question", I say through gritted teeth, getting frustrated by how he was talking to me. Ethan has his mouth stuffed just looking back and fourth, as we speak. "Fine, I was at a friends, I didn't wanna hear y'all fucking", he chuckled. I threw a fork at him, and low key laughed at his joke. He laughed at my action and so did Ethan. After that we all kinda of just laughed at each other while we ate. Grayson isn't half bad when he's not around his friends.
After breakfast me and Ethan went upstairs to talk. "So what if you are pregnant?", Ethan asked. "Well there is an app, called Flo. You can track your period, pregnancy, and when you can get pregnant. The highest chance of you getting pregnant is when you're Ovulating, and it says I wasn't. So there is a low chance of me being pregnant". He looked like he was trying to process what I just said. "What is Ovulating?", he asked with a confused look on his face. I laugh, "it's part of your menstruation cycle". He just nods his head but I still don't think he understands. "So we just sit here and wait like 3 weeks, and you take the test?", he asked "yes", I say with a smile. I don't want him to feel bad, I get it. We were caught up in the moment. I'm also mentally preparing myself for it just in case. "Again I'm sorry. I-I really didn't mean too", he says looking down. I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's fine, I swear. If I am, then we will just deal with it", I say honestly. Ethan just sat there, he looked like he wanted to say something. " I-I, ummm...never mind", he got up and left. Wtf... that was weird.
I decided to watch a Netflix movie. I think I'm gonna ask Ethan if he wants to watch with me.  I get up and walk down stairs. I see Grayson watching tv on the couch. "Hey gray, have you seen Ethan?", I ask. "Nah, he left a while ago", he asked still focused on the tv. Wtf? "Ok", I say confused. I walk back upstairs and go to my room.
Ethan POV
I left the house because I can't let go of my old ways. I don't want to be in relationship. Relationships cause pain and heart ache. I've learned that from my past relationships. I sped down the road trapped in my thoughts. But I really, really like Aiyana. And I can't just move on from her. Wait...maybe I can....

Bottled up emotions// E.DWhere stories live. Discover now