Okay so I just wanted you to know my life is a living hell, because I learned these things so I'm hoping that it will teach you not to think about these things or atleast help okay so here's the 1st one:

"Smile or you'll be judged, wear cute clothing or you'll be a ugly bitch, just because you want to cry doesn't mean you can it'll show signs of weakness, and if you ever, Ever, EVER cry make sure it's a better excuse than "I was hurt" or "shit has happened to me and I've been keeping it in rather then tell an adult" because that's a sign of weakness if your weak you'll be an outcast. Just because shit happened and you kept it in doesn't mean to cry about it, you piece of shit"

I taught this to myself and I force a smile every day pretending that everything is okay, and nothing shitty happened to me not once in my life. Turns out that feels like shit though I still keep it and the rules it stated so I now feel like shit every day and every time I smile.

So imma make one right after this one so bye, guys, gals and non-binary pals!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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