Lost in His Eyes

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Author's Note 

Just a disclaimer they are 17-18 so the actions that take place throughout this story is okay 


September 9th second week of the new school year, Marinette was up late on patrol and finishing the homework from the last week

Mari (Pov)

*Brrring* *Brring* Brring*

"5 more minutes Tiki, I don't want to get up just yet"

*Brrirng* *Brrring*

"Okay, okay I'm up"

Mari looks around to see her phone ringing and the picture of her best friend on the screen

"Hello? Alya? why are you calling so early in the morning the sun hasn't even woken up yet"

"Marinette school starts in 5 minutes it's 8:25 if you don't make it on time Miss Bustier is gonna make you stay back during lunch and I don't want that because I wanna try out that new cafe next to the park"

"Oh shit! okay okay I'm coming I'm leaving now"

Mari hangs up and quickly hops out of bed making sure she doesn't trip down the ladder run to her sink and begins to brush her teeth and fix her hair she throws on her clothes grabs her bag runs downstairs to the kitchen grabs an apple and some cookies and sprint out the door

*skipping the running scene to school*

Alya checks her timer on her phone as she sees Mari sprinting towards the classroom door "Damn girl you got here with 30 seconds to spare"

Marinette out of breathe "*puff* yeah *puff* I sprinted"

"I can tell" Alya giggles as Mari and they take their seats behind Nino and Adrien

"Okay class today we are going to be working in a group of 3 or 4 to create bottle rockets, we will be applying science and math into this experiment and the highest bottle rocket get to choose what their prizes will be, nothing too unreasonable"

"Miss Bustier why are we doing this experiment?" Mylene ask

"Because Mylene I thought it would be a fun experiment and helpful for us to do and also to bring up the spirits of this coming year"

"So now students get into your groups or would you prefer I pick them for you" Miss Bustier smiles and the students rush to find partners before the teacher choose them for them

"Mari, Nino and Adrien wanna be in a group?" Alya says before anyone decides differently

"I'm cool with it dude" Nino looks at Alya

"Sure if Nino fine with it" Adrien agrees

"Marinette?" Ayla looks at Marinette who is just staring at Adrien

"Hmm? ... Ah! yes, what? was the question?" Marinette response in a shock

"Use for as a group for the experiment" Alya points at Adrien, Nino and her

"Oh yeah sure" she laughs shyly and embarrassed

The group begins to discuss their plans for meeting up after school before being interrupted

"Umm No!" The foursome look up they see an angry Chole standing by there desk "Adrien is going to help ME on this experiment, not you low life commoners Hmph! Come on Adrien come and work with Sabrina and me" Chole grabs Adrien and try to pull him towards her seat

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