part one: seaweed 💦💦

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"rat whore get over here" peppa called to her dumbass bottom of a friend. "There's some weird shit happening and there's like aliens and shit" peppa says as she makes her iconic disgusted look over to the weird orb machine trying to vacuum everything and everyone in to it. "l m a o what a queen" rat whore says as peppa screams as she gets sucked into the vacuum chamber and then she walks back home cuz she's done with this shit.
"I hate that" peppa says as she gets nyoomed out of the vacuum chamber and falls to the ground. She pulls out her phone to start texting rat whore to tell her what happened when she sees an incredibly thick, hot ass looking queen fall next to her. She wiggles her eyebrows and rolls over to the girl, "who might you be cutie" peppa asks the fine looking girl next to her. "i'm you you dumbass fucking bitch" peppas clone says as she pulls out seaweed cuz we all know that bitch eats that shit like it's crack. Peppa gets up and sees the seaweed and almost faints, no one knows this but she has the biggest kink for seaweed. She starts to think about all the things her clone could do to her with that seaweed and starts to blush. "Hey cutie wanna go home and uh,, eat some seaweed with me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" The original peppa says as she puts out her hand for her thick clone knowing they'd be doing much more than just eating seaweed that night ;). Her clone agrees and peppa and peppa fastly make their way home and the original peppa pushes her clone roughly into her room and on to her bed..

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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