Chapter Fifteen ●

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{No POV}

Sabine smiled after a moment and pulled out a jewelry box from within the box she had brought up.

"We moved everything that belonged to Marianne to the cellar too, except for this box that I brought back up without your father knowing... Your father was devastated by Marianne's death years ago and he's even more hurt now that it's the real thing. But she'd want you to have the stuff in this box and the things that belonged to her once because it's the only piece of her you have left that you can use to get to know her now that she's gone." Sabine explained dusting off the jewelry box.

"When she left back then the only thing we found was this locket we had made for her that she never took off. She treasured it because we got this locket specially made on your first birthday along with a baby one. One for you and one for her so that you two would always be able to have somewhere to lock up your feelings or secrets that you could only ever trust to one another and so that you could also keep pictures of your fondest memories with you at all times." Sabine said pulling out a gorgeous locket that looked extremely familiar to Marinette from the jewelry box as Adrien undid the one she currently had on.

"We haven't opened it. She wouldn't have wanted us to know what she put inside of it, and I don't think you will be able to open it either, it's locked tight and the key went missing years ago. But I thought perhaps having this would help you be able to feel closer to her." Sabine explained before leaving the room with only a hug and a kiss to their foreheads before she left.

Marinette looked at the locket examining it closely 

It was a large heart with a hole towards the bottom for the key to go in to unlock it, and around it all over the hear were sparkling little zirconis diamond stones except for a few stones that were amethyst and made out Marianne's initials.

Marinette smiled before turning back to the box with a deep breath.

"I need to see the file."

Marinette pulled it out gently and opened it.

The first thing that pulled her attention was a picture of a baby in an incubator hooked up to machines and another picture beside it of a sickly looking Marianne with a young boy with brown eyes and a mop of raven hair standing next to her bed.

Marianne looked to be no older than 5 and so did the boy.

Marianne was once more hooked up to quite a few machines and even had something attached to her arm. Her eyes looked bored and just tired. She seemed to hate being there. But there was hope in her eyes that was visible even in the picture as Jason held her hand with a big hopeful smile.

"This must be Marianne's medical file." Mentioned Plagg quietly.

The drew Marinette to read the file.

Name: Marianne Emma Dupain-Cheng

Hospitalization: Yes

Stay: 10 months

Age: Newborn - Ten Months

Then Marinette turned the page.

The only thing changed was the age and an added condition of asthma.

It stated one year old.

She flipped through the paper and noticed something.

The intake dates.

Every time she was rushed to the hospital always coincidentally landed on her own birthday or Jason's.

Then she noticed something else.

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