vi. Paragraphs

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Please, for the love of all things gay, please use paragraphs.

You will never amount to anything in life if you do not know how to use paragraphs correctly. Nobody will read your book, and if they do they're either 1 ) also someone who can't use paragraphs, or 2 ) they have a very high tolerance for bullshit.

It looks like trash. And that's the truth.

Look, there's even a rule if you're a little foggy.

TiP ToP —

Ti ; you move to a new period of time

P ; you move to a different place/location

To ; you move from one topic to another

P ; you bring a new person into your writing, or change from one person to another - including dialogue ( speech )

If you aren't smart enough to follow these rules, you need to reevaluate all of your life choices.

Example 1:

No paragraphs.

"Run," he shouted. They all ran to the opposite side of the building, terrified they were going to die. "I can't believe they're trying to kill us! I thought they could be trusted!" He sighed. "Well you thought wrong, Blueberry! It turns out no one can be trusted, and that includes you." He pulled a Glock from his comically large pockets ( all the girls in the group sighed in longing ) and aimed it at Blueberry. "Hasta la vista, baby!" He said, and then he pressed down the trigger. Out came silly string.

Example 2:


"Run," he shouted.

They all ran to the opposite side of the building, terrified they were going to die. "I can't believe they're trying to kill us! I thought they could be trusted!"

He sighed. "Well you thought wrong, Blueberry! It turns out no one can be trusted, and that includes you." He pulled a Glock from his comically large pockets ( all the girls in the group sighed in longing ) and aimed it at Blueberry. "Hasta la vista, baby!" He said, and then he pressed down the trigger.

Out came silly string.


As I'm sure you all noticed, the second example is much easier and clearer to read. You'll also notice that both are properly punctuated and grammatically correct, which I did to show you that it's the paragraphs that are making your book shit, and not your misuse of punctuation and grammar. ( I will talk about this in another chapter ).

So, yeah, just use paragraphs correctly, you'll notice a major change in your writing.

See ya!

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