First Kiss

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One particular day after  school they went to Greyson's house to watch a DVD. His parents were a pain but at least they stayed out of Grey's room.

So far there hasn't been any strange feelings on Freddie's part.  That afternoon hadn't come up in conversation.  They were back to talking about the usual comics and TV shows they liked.  He and Greyson were good as far as he was concerned.  He couldn't understand his feelings when Greyson was just wiping him up.  Touching him. . .

"Let's go hang in my room." Greyson said as he led the way.  "The folks don't like me using the living room.  They say I'm too messy."

No kidding, Freddie thought.  Greyson's bedroom was a disaster as usual. Clothes and other items were scattered everywhere.  Why his folks didn't want him in the living room will forever be a mystery Freddie thought sarcastically.

"Jesus, don't you ever clean this room?" Freddie asked while trying to move clothes, books and shoes off so he could have a little space to sit.  "I've seen dumpsters neater than this."

Greyson flipped him off.  "Screw you."

Greyson turned on the TV and put in the DVD.  He shoved some stuff off his side of the bed and sat next to Freddie.  Rather close, Freddie noted.

For an hour they sat spellbound as the show played on.  Soon Freddie noticed that he could feel Greyson's body heat through their clothes, feel his warm breath hitting the side of his face.

Freddie turned around and was surprised to see Greyson staring back at him.  Not just a casual stare as usual but with an intensity that made Freddie a little nervous.

Plus a little hot.

"Uh, what's on your mind?" Freddie had to clear his throat before speaking. 

Greyson continued staring at him while biting his bottom lip.  The only sound was the TV. Without thinking Freddie moved a little closer. 

Greyson did too. 

"Are you going to run away," Greyson whispered.  "If I try to kiss you?"

Freddie had to swallow before answering.  "No," he said.  "I'm not going anywhere." He couldn't if he wanted to.

Slowly they inches their way until they were nose to nose with each other.

Then their lips touched.  Lightly at first, brushing against each other before moving in deep.  Freddie felt Greyson's hand moving up along the side of his neck.  He patted Grey's back.

Their first kiss.

Going by instinct they slid their lips against each other's before allowing their tongues to slip out and touch, gasping. Freddie was amazed at how soft Greyson's lips were. Somehow they leaned back on the bed, still kissing.

"Have you ever kissed anybody before?" Freddie asked when they finally broke apart.  He could feel himself shaking a little.  What was happening here?

"No," Greyson looked flushed.  "You?"


"Figures," Greyson said with a smirk.  "You totally suck at it."

"Yeah, fuck you too." They giggled while holding each other.

"I think we need the practice," Greyson said, pulling Freddie closer.  "Don't you?"

"Practice does make perfect." Freddie agreed.  "If we suck so bad, why not?"

They never did find out how that movie ended.  For the rest of the evening all they did was to kiss and hold each other.

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