Chapter 3

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I don't own Naruto.

At Tentens house.

So anyway Tenten I need to get ready for my date with Naruto later,so I'll see you tomorrow probably.-Ino

See you later Ino I hope your date with Naruto goes well.-Tenten

Hopefully better than your date with Lee.-Ino said while she laughed

How did you know about that Ino?-Tenten said after going red with embarrassment.

I was in the restaurant with Sakura and Hinata. We saw Lee get up and start to try to fight the employees and yell about the power of youth, so we knew he was probably drunk, so we left.-Ino

Yeah he kind of went a little crazy.-Tenten

How did you get him to stop?-Ino

Tenten looked around nervously while blushing.
"Well I uh, I kissed him and he looked at me smiled and passed out."-Tenten

You kissed him, did he remember it the next day?-Ino

He said he didn't remember much after dinner so I guess not, but I want to try to go out again, just without him getting drunk.-Tenten said as she smiled

Aw Tenten,I say go for it, anyway I have to go it's getting close to time for my date, so see you later.Ino

Ino ran off towards her home.

Sasuke had just left the hokage tower, and was headed to his home.

I don't think I'll ever get used to Kakashi as hokage. I wonder if he actually does any work up there in his office?-Sasuke thought as he was walking home

In the hokage office.

Shizune do you think I'm a good hokage?-Kakashi asked while looking out the window of his office

Well you aren't always drinking sake, and hungover like Lady Tsunade was.-Shizune said as she laughed
Wait don't tell her I said that lord sixth.-Shizune said while bowing to Kakashi

Kakashi laughed to himself, then says. "No worries why would I sell out my beautiful advisor and girlfriend."

Shizune blushes as Kakashi said girlfriend.
Shizune was about to kiss Kakashi on the cheek, but then the door opened and in walked Shikamaru.

Shikamaru looked at Kakashi and Shizune whose faces were inches away from each other. He cleared his throat, and they both jumped.

Oh hey Shikamaru, what's going on?-Kakashi said relieved that it was only his other advisor.

I have those papers you needed lord sixth.-Shikamaru said lazily as always

Oh thank you Shikamaru, you can go for the day.-Kakashi

Oh thank you lord sixth.-Shikamaru said somewhat surprised.

Shikamaru just got outside, when he saw Sakura coming his way at high speed.

Shikamaru sighed, and thought to himself why is sakura running this way, oh wait I wonder if he is back?

Sakura saw Shikamaru right before they wee about to collide she stopped. She decided to ask him about Sasuke.

Did you see Sasuke talking to lord sixth?

No, Lord sixth  just let me go home for the day because he had other things to attend to, so I'm guessing Sasuke already saw him for the day.-Shikamaru said in his usual lazy tone

Oh thank you Shikamaru, I wanna go see him, bye-Sakura said excitedly

Sakura ran off towards Sasukes home

I will never understand women, they are such a drag.-Shikamaru

Hey Shikamaru stop complaining and let's go get some barbecue.- Choji

Woah Choji I didn't know you were here, I thought you were out on a mission?-Shikamaru

Yeah we just got back so let's go to eat I'm starving.-Choji

Shikamaru smiled at his best friend.

Alright let's go Choji.-Shikamaru said as they walked off.

Sakura finally caught up to Sasuke.

Hey Sasuke I didn't know you were back already, do you wanna maybe go out and do something?-Sakura said with nervousness and excitement.

No I just got home and would like to rest, and I have some other things to take care of.-Sasuke said in his usual cold tone

Oh alright maybe tomorrow then?-Sakura said

No I have more important things to do tomorrow. Sasuke said showing no emotion.

Oh alright well I guess I'll see you later then.?-Sakura said nearing tears.

Sasuke just continued walking without looking back.

Sakura is really starting to annoy me and I've barley been back in Konoha for a few hours.-Sasuke thought as he arrived home.

As Sasuke opened the door he saw someone he didn't expect to see in his home..

NaruIno and SasuHina, and other ships,where will it go?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن