Chapter Six

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Hey guys, Ash here. So this chapter should've been out a week and a half ago but I didn't think anyone would read it. I've been trying to ignore those feelings but they always get to me no matter how hard I try. Despite those feelings, I'm glad to be writing today. Anyways, let's get on with the chapter.

Buffy's POV

I heard Marty cheer from his spot on the bench as I scored another basket. I smiled victoriously at him as Tj grabbed the ball. 

"Oh calm down you're only one point ahead of me," He rolled his eyes and dribbled over to me.

"That may be right but you're also one point behind which means I'm winning," I smirked at him.

He shook his head as our game continued. He ended up getting past me and scoring another basket. This time Cyrus cheered from his spot next to Marty. Tj grinned widely at him making me roll my eyes. The game continued on until we ended up tying 9-9. Tj held the ball to his side as we walked over to Marty and Cyrus. 

"Alright it's been fun watching you guys but I think I'm ready to go," Marty said, standing up to stretch. Somewhere during his stretch, his arm ended up around me. I rolled my eyes again. "All the basketball gave me an appetite," Cyrus said.

I scoffed. "You weren't even doing anything but watching Cyrus," I said.

He shrugged. "I'm still hungry either way," He whined. Tj threw his arm around Cyrus.

"Don't worry little muffin. I'll whip you up some sausage," He said cheekily.

Cyrus furrowed his brows. "Why would I want a sausage? Nothing could ever compare to baby taters," He said.

I shook my head and we began walking. My happy mood grew really sour when my eyes landed on a familiar douchenozzle. Jackson's eyes met mine and I stopped walking, causing Marty to stop and give me a confused look.

Jackson had the nerve to come over toward us. "Well if it isn't The Slayer," He said, glaring at me.

I glared right back at him. "Well if it isn't the douchenozzle that I humiliated in front of the whole school," I smirked, making his face go red with anger.

"You only won because you cheated," He spat.

"I learn from the worse," I said cheekily. He took a step forward but Marty put his arm in front of me and gave him a glare. He scoffed a walked off, not without giving me one last angry look.

"That guy is a huge jerk," Marty said. He put his arm back around me but he had a sour look on his face. I smiled thinking about how he was willing to almost get in a fight for me. Of course, I would've pulled him away before anything could happen but I still think it's kind of cute.

"Don't worry. He's just salty I beat him at his own game," I said.

"Let's just go to The Spoon before any more angry people come out of nowhere," Cyrus said. We all agreed and were off to The Spoon


Reed's POV

"So why did you want to see me here," I asked, annoyed. I had way better things to do than sit here and talk to my cousin about something that happened in middle school. She really had issues.

"Because Reed, that guy ruined my life," My cousin snarled at me.

I scoffed. "He didn't ruin your life, Jenna. You're being way too overdramatic, this was two years ago. You need to let it go," I told her. Jenna had been obsessed with Cyrus ever since he helped Tj realize who he was. If anything he helped Jenna from getting hurt, even if he did hurt Cyrus in the process.

"No! He walked away scot-free while I had the love of my life ripped away from me and now it's time for him to pay. I've been plotting this for two years and now it's time to set the wheels in motion," She smirked.

I sighed and got up. Whatever she was planning to do couldn't be good. I had to talk to Cyrus before something bad happens. I hope Tj would let me though. 

And that's the chapter. I know it was super short but I did that for a reason.  I was planning on starting a new original story that I came up with in class. It based on a Avenue school documentary I watched in my history class. I have some ideas for and I really wanna see them play out. So stay tuned for that. Until then, byeee


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