Walking In Time

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I remember that day we met. You were "that Canadian boi" everyone was talking about. It was an accident, me bumping into you as I ran down the street for food(and school).

I remember you sitting next to me, your face glowing in the morning sunlight as you stared out the window.

I remember how I realized I had a crush on you: we were walking home, side by side and holding hands. You comforted me, told me everything was okay and will always be.

I remember confessing to you on the cliffs above your favorite beach, my head down low as I tried to hide my crimson face.

But when I looked up at you, your face was as red as mine, as you returned my feelings, whispering softly, "I love you too."

I remember how flustered you got trying to ask me out on a date. You were all over me that day, trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible.

I remember feeling awkward as I entered your room, which you said we'd be sharing from then on.

I remember all those days when we'd have those random pillow fights, chasing each other round and round, until we're both out of breath.

I remember slipping on the carpet, you tripping on your own foot as you tried to catch me. Your face was just inches from mine, our breaths colliding and becoming one. The look in your eyes was intense, my cheeks flushing as I tried to steady my breathing.

Your kisses were the best, your hugs the most comforting. We would sometimes lie in the bed and talk about our pasts, memories we long buried. We reminisced those moments from high school, how we got embarassed when we locked eyes for even just a moment. And how I'd notice the different emotions that would flash in your eyes in that second: love, affection and pain.

I remember running after you, as you stood on the cliffs where everything started. Where I confessed. Where you said you loved me too.

I reached out, your fingers only 5 centimeters from mine. You plummeted down, your hands extended, and I saw how you mouthed,

"I love you."

I saw your body, limp and lifeless on the steep, craggy rocks, your expression peaceful

I remember how I so badly wanted to rip the body bag to shreds as they loaded it into the ambulance, the paramedics eyes filled with sympathy as they passed me.

I remember seeing you for the last time, as you lay in the white and gold coffin, your face white as a sheet. Tears flowed down my cheeks, as I pictured your smile, heard your voice in my head, how I felt the hugs and kisses you gave me. It shattered my heart and broke my soul, but what was most painful was the fact that, even if I turned the world upside down, I could never bring you back.


I walked down the street towards school. It was another normal day for me. However, one thought was stuck in my head: the new student.

The school has been buzzing about for days now, and he'll apparently come today. They say he's foreign, Canadian, to be specific.

Which makes me curious: why did he leave Canada?

I guess the best thing to do is ask him, if we even meet.

I started for the usual bakeshop, my steps getting faster until I was running.

And before I knew it, I had bumped into someone. My butt landed on the asphalt, and I was completely ready to say something rude when a voice asked, "Are you okay?"

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