Chapter 5

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I look in the mirror one last time before I slip my dress on. I spin around and smile to myself. I see Jared pull up and jump out of his car. I race down the stairs trying not to trip in my heels.

I smile and he hugs, "you look beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I blush. I wish Blake was here calling me that instead of Jared.

"You look very handsome." I smile. We get a few pictures from my mom. "Take care of here tonight Jared." My mom hugs him. "Of course Mrs. Jones."

He opens the door for me. It makes me think of Blake. He always does this.

Can I shut my mind off for a second? Be in the moment with Jared. Don't think about Blake Gibbs.

I smile at Jared, "thank you for being my date tonight." I say genuinely happy. "My pleasure." He grabs my hand. Nothing like Blake's.

Again with Blake.

I pull my phone out.

Me; I can't keep my mind off you.

I stuff my phone back in my purse before Jared realizes I'm texting another guy.

We pull up to the dance. I smile as he helps me out. "Don't you look cute," Kelly says gesturing between me and Jared. I blush, "thank you." I look past Kelly to see Blake staring directly at me. I look down as my blush becomes more apparent on my face.

Jared leads me into the dance.

After a few dances, I go sit down and rest. I pull out my phone and see Blake texted me.

Handsome; Cara I wish you were Claire.
                                     Holy Hell you look amazing babe.

I blush at his texts as I look up and around the dance. I see Claire looking at me. I shrug it off. There's no way she knows.

I quickly put my phone away.

Prom ends.

I change at Jared's house.

We finally arrive at the After Prom. I feel my phone buzz in my hand, I see a text.

Handsome; Come out to my car. 
Me; Are you alone?
Handsome; Duh.

"Hey, Jared I forgot my sweatshirt in your car." I lie.

I feel bad for lying to one of my best friends, but I need a little alone time with Blake.

Why am I hoping someone notices us?

Do I want to be caught?

"Of course, here." He hands me his keys.

With that, I give him a side hug. "I'll be right back." I flash him a smile. Trying to hide my excitement over Blake.

Handsome; Get in the backseat.

I walk out and find Blake's Rover idling with the lights out. I hurriedly get in the backseat as per request.

"Hey," I say looking at him in his t-shirt and basketball shorts.
"Hey." He says checking me out as well.

I'm in just a t-shirt in leggings. Nothing to fancy.

"I couldn't keep my eyes off you tonight." He smiles as his hands run through my messy curly hair.

"Me either." I inch closer.

I just want this moment right here to last all night. Forever.

His lips finally reach mine. Our tongues fight for dominance. I straddle his lap.

I pull away. I'm afraid if we don't stop, we'll get caught.

"Babe, I have to get back to Jared." I look at him. Hoping he can see my disappointment. "I wish we could leave, but we cant. Not unless we want people to talk." I half-smile. "Yeah." I kept short so he couldn't hear the choked back tears.

Every time I think this will be okay, this will work. He says something that makes me come back to reality. We are from two different worlds. This will never work.

"Here take my sweatshirt." I hold out his Liberty Baseball Sweatshirt. No name on it though. I smile. "Thank you."

"Have fun okay?" He says as he kisses my lips once more. I get out first pulling the sweatshirt he gave me over my head.

I reach Jared again. "Sorry, my mom called me." I give him his keys back. "That's okay. Whose sweatshirt is that?" He asks. My pulse quickens. "It's A.J.'s." I lie quickly.

I do still have A.J.'s sweatshirt. I smile at the memory of him giving me his sweatshirt for the first time.

I see Blake walk in. I look away and continue with another conversation with Jared. 

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