Chapter 14

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          The next morning, when Demi woke up and rolled over, Maddie was already out of the bed and in the shower. She could hear her singing quite loudly, not recognizing the song. Demi got out of bed herself and made her way to her kitchen, preparing a cup of coffee. She was leaving for the airport in a few hours and knew she would need a little caffeine to get her through the long flight. She poured her coffee in one of her many mugs and walked over to her living room. She plopped down on one of her chairs and turned on the TV. She had recently been obsessed with the Bachelorette and tried to get caught up with the last few episodes she had missed. Before too much longer, the shower turned off upstairs and Maddie joined her on the couch.

          They got through two episodes when Diana showed up, let herself in, and tried to coax Maddie back home. She was a lot less upset than she was last night but still pretty reluctant to leave. 

"Of course you can come over whenever you want but I gotta leave soon Mads," Demi wrapped her in a reassuring hug.

"But I don't want to leave," She begged, her bottom lip quivering slightly.

"I know babe. But hey, I promise that I'll FaceTime you tonight when I get to the UK and you know who will be there." That seemed to be enough to make Maddie happy. She let go of Demi and followed her mom out to the car, Demi watching them pull out of her driveway. She shut off the tv and went back to her room and finished her packing. It didn't take her long before she found herself watching the second arm on the clock tick by painstakingly slow. She decided to just head to the airport and see if she could find something there to do. She called Max and told him to meet her there in about an hour. She didn't live that far from the airport but with LA traffic, it always took a long time to go anywhere.

Several slow hours later and Demi and Max were sitting in the airport, eating over priced pizza, waiting for Demi's flight to be called. Max wasn't going with her but she liked having him around while she was in public. He was her safety net. Finally, a woman's voice came over the intercom and called Demi's flight. She said goodbye to Max and boarded the flight. Demi got a window seat and before she knew it, was sound asleep.

She was awoken by a sweet elderly woman with a thick British accent, gently rubbing her left arm. She got her stuff and got off the plane, getting more anxious by the second to see Simon. She knew he was working and was planning on surprising him at his house afterwards. He had sent her Lauren's schedule so they knew when it was okay to text and call each other, giving Demi an easy way to see if they would have the house to themselves. She went outside and flagged down a cab, telling the driver Simon's address. 

          When they arrived, Demi payed and rushed inside. She didn't think paparazzi would just be hanging around his house but she didn't want to risk it. Once safe inside, she took her stuff upstairs to his room, leaving the lights off. She didn't want him to know anyone was home. She walked into his bathroom and changed into something a bit more comfortable, arranged herself on his, no their, bed and waited patiently for the sound of his car pulling into the drive.

Thirty or so minutes later and Demi heard the long awaited sound of his car engine. She was so excited to see him and knew he would be happy to see her. It took him about five minutes to get inside and start making his way up the stairs. It had been a long day and all he wanted was to take a shower, get into something other than jeans, and watch tv or fall asleep. He walked down the hall towards his room, opened the door, and smacked the wall a few times looking for the light switch. He finally found it and started heading towards his bathroom when he noticed Demi laying on his bed. He thought at first it was a dream or a hallucination but when she was still there after he blinked and rubbed his eyes, he knew she was real. Without saying a word, Simon rushed to the bed, roughly laying on top of her. She giggled and the night kept on getting better from that point on.

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