Chapter 1

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Kam= The girl in the story
Sarah: hey kameron
Kam: hey
Sarah's been my best friend since I was born well our moms were friends before we were born so we been friends forever she helps me through everything well she try's to teach me math but I can never do it
Sarah: look at Zach
Kam: why do people even like why don't we
Sarah: they aren't bad I mean look at Daniel
Kam: of course you like them you like everyone you see
Teacher: please take your seats ok well I'm giving some of you tutors
Corbyn: I can help whoever
Sarah: I need help
Teacher: no you don't you have a A
Sarah: oh
Teacher: kameron and
Please don't get Zach please don't get Zach
Teacher: Zach
Kam: oh cmon
Sarah: it's not that bad
Teacher: please get with your tutor if you have one
Zach: hi
I guess I should be nice and say hi
Kam: hi
Zach: I'm Zach
Kam: yah I know
Zach: you do
Kam: everyone in the school knows you
Zach: aren't you always with that Sarah girl
Kam: gotta problem
Zach: no I just
Kam: you just what
Zach: do you not like me
Kam: I mean who could not be in love with the wonderful Zach herron from why don't we
Zach: that's not what I meant anyways we have to tutor so here's my number
Kam: just so you know I'm only doing this for my grade my mom payed a lot of money to get me to this collage
The bell rings
After school
Sarah: how was he
Kam: awful
Sarah: you have to give him a chance
Kam: at what
Sarah: dating
Kam: you always do this
Sarah: you reject everybody who asks you out
Kam: too much drama
Sarah: wanna watch the flash
Kam: sure
Sarah's mom calls her
Sarah: hello
Sarah: ok
Sarah: I gotta babysit my little brother
Kam: I can help you
Sarah: that would be great
Sarah's brother is 7 years old we have always been close
Jack: Where's mom
Sarah: she's gone I'm babysitting you
Jack: I don't need no babysitter
Sarah: Kameron's here
Jack: don't embarrass me
Jack has always had a crush on me even I could tell
Kam: hey jack
Jack: hey
Kam: wanna watch some tv
Jack: sure
Kam: what do you wanna watch
Jack: whatever you wanna watch
Kam: the flash
Jack: yay
1 hour later
Kam: I gotta go to the bathroom
Jack: okay

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