Chapter 4

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Kam: *yawns* I'm so tired
Zach: happy birthday
Kam: how you know my birthday
Zach: Sarah
Kam: uh
Zach: I'm going to get pumpkin spice latte
Kam: no one cares
A few hours later kameron walks into her dorm
All: happy birthday
Kam: who invited him
I look and see Zach in a red tux and he looks good I mean ugly
Zach: I got you something
It's probably some stupid prank I open the box and see a necklace that is silver and has my name on it omg this is sweet I mean lame
Kam: I don't like you but I like the necklace
Sarah: look who's here
She points to Daniel
Kam: I heard he likes Corbyn
Sarah: I don't care he's still mine
Kam: you are boy crazy
Daniel: hey
Sarah: hi
Jack comes over
Jack: skskksksks and I oop
Zach: get out of here vsco girl
Jack: haha
Daniel: anyways Kam do you like your necklace
Kam: it's fine
Jonah: zach likes you
Kam: why is everyone saying that
If Zach likes someone else then that girl would go crazy but he's not special his music is bad Daniels better than him
The next day...
Kam: my life's like a romantic movie
Zach: sure is
Kam: omg zach i didn't see you there!
Zach: goodbye
Zach pretends he can fly
Kam: you can't fly
Zach: I believe what I wanna!
Kam: whatever
After school
Jonah: hi
Kam: what do you want
Jonah: *smiling* a pencil please!
Kam: for what schools over
Jonah: homework!
Kam: fine
1 hour later
Sarah: wanna listen to Shawn mendes
Kam: yah
Both: I love it when you call me senorita
Zach walks in
Zach: I wish I could pretend that I didn't need you
Kam: get lost
Zach: we have to study for the test
Kam: fine bye Sarah
Zach: let's go to the coffee shop
Kam: I hate coffee
Zach: oh sorry
Kam: we can go to the library
Zach: then we can't talk
Kam: that's the point

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