Teachers are devil spawns

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Its Chemistry period and I stopped listening to my teacher a long long time ago.
I'm currently doodling a random picture on my textbook and pretending to note stuff down. No matter how hard I try and how many ever times I tell myself I can never get myself to listen to Mrs.Watson.
Thats another reason I fail for chemistry in almost every exam.
Mrs.Watson has something against and I havent been able to figure out what.
Is it because I hang out with boys,is it because I behave and dress like a boy,is it because I stand up for my beliefs and talk back to teachers when im sure I havent done anything wrong??
I don't know.
''Miss Richardson!!?''
I looked around and saw that Mrs.Watson was advancing towards me with a scale.
I stood up in my seat
''Where you listening to a word I was saying??!'' She asked glaring down at me
''Um..no??'' I said scratching the back of my neck and smoothing my hair out
Mrs.Watson's eyes were narrowed down to slits and she was fuming in anger
''I want all the notes complete before school and please do get out of my class!!'' She yelled shoving me out of my seat and pointing towards the door
''Yeah I know where the door is.'' I said getting out of the classroom and shutting the door.
The entire class snickered and started to whisper
The hallway was empty and extremely silent and looked almost haunted.
''I wish Jade and Debbie were here..'' I whispered
Lunch break
I was squeezed in between debbie and jade while trying to eat lunch.
''Guys,I can't fucking breath.'' I said trying to push them away a bit
''We aren't gonna move..'' Jade said
''I hate you..'' I said putting on a serious face
''Lier. You'd be dead without us.'' Debbie said scooching away a bit and giving me some space to breath
Thats when Edwin walked right in front of our table and my eyes fell on him.
I've had a crush on him for a while and I dont do anything about it. I mean hes a really good friend of mine and I seriously dont wanna ruin our friendship by admitting my one sided feelings for him.
''Ooooh..'' Jade and Debbie started with a smirk on their faces
''Guys..don't do that.'' I said,my face turning a slight shade of pink
''Then you should do something about it..'' Debbie said taking a bite of her pizza and swatting away jades hand which was inching closer towards her fries.
''Look Betts,he likes you,you like him you should go tell him and then finally I can see my best friend getting married and having kids..'' Debbie said
Jade nodded with a mouthful of fries
''Wait,wait,wait, who said anything about getting married and having kids??'' I asked,because they had gone too much into the future
''I did. You guys make such a cute couple that you'll end up falling in love and getting married..'' Debbie stated proudly
''Oh please...'' I said rolling my eyes but thinking about a married life with Edwin
Thats when he came up to our table and sat next to me
My heart skipped a beat and I lost the ability to make rational sentences
''Hey betty you free today??'' He asked taking a bite of my pizza
I glared at him
''No. I have detention today and I've to help dad out in some work.'' I said
''Oh..I was thinking if we could do our bio assignment together. But since you can't I'll ask Gwen.'' He said giving me one of his to-die -for smiles and getting up
''I'll text you later..''
And he walked away
Jade sighed
''Hes so in love with you. But im pretty sure Gwen is gonna be-'' I cut her off
''Don't continue that sentence. I know.'' I said looking down at my lap and fiddling with my ring
Debbie patted me on the back and was about to say something when the bell rang indicating the end of the break.
''See you Betts..don't get into any trouble.'' Debbie said
''Okay 'mom' "I said rolling my eyes and smoothening my hair out and walking out of the cafeteria

Should I bunk chemistry??
Hey guys
What do you think about the first chapter?? I dont know why I even started writing this but whatever let me know how you liked it.

Betty Richardson

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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