James "Prince" Washington JR

21 2 0

Age: 17

Face claim: Hie from Devilman Crybaby, his facial features resemble Caleb Elijah

Height: 5'5 / 5'6

Living conditions: Abusive father and step mother. Extremely stable house, lives in a mansion. Has an all green room filled with reptiles.. probably smells nice.

Family life: Prince's father James Washington is apart of a gang. His father is African American and dark skinned, he's chubby and has a bald head as well as a goatee. Prince gets abused on a daily, mostly my cigarette burns and verbal altercations. Prince's step mother is a tall, pale, wrinkly old woman who hates him almost as much as his father does. She does most of the cigar burns.

Personality: Prince is normal for the most part. He sees the little movements in life and observes the dumbest things. He is extroverted and very friendly.

Physical: Prince is blind in both eyes and he has a scar on his left eye (if you're looking at him it's left). He got burned by his father with a dangerous chemical, which burned half of his face severely. Prince is dark skinned like his dad and has his black, knotty hair covering his eyes and scar at all times.

Disorders: Prince has Tourettes. These ticks are not severe and he doesn't swear when ticking, they're small ticks but you can still notice them. He also has PTSD and depression, neither are severe.

Clothing style: Wears blue sneakers with long white socks. He also wears oversized, camouflaged, cargo pants; he doesn't use a belt so they're always sagging on the floor. He wears tight white shirts and an oversized red zip up over all of it.

Pets: Sally, his service dog. Many reptiles in his home, most of them in cages but some not. They just crawl around his room.

Hobbies: Prince's father put him in ballet to help with his posture (due to blindness), and to humiliate him; however .. Prince quite enjoys it. Prince also likes old games, (old) music, and hanging out with his friends (especially Rich because he thinks he's funny).

Shipped: No

Crush: No

Sexuality: Bisexual

Friends: Rich (best friend), Adler

Favorite color: Green

Zodiac sign: Aquarius (maybe)

Song of choice: Let's Groove by Earth Wind and Fire

Fun facts:
- Prince occasionally does karaoke
- Prince goes to the disco every Saturday night
- Senses are enhanced
- Has a supernatural aspect of him, can sense things very well even though he's blind, it even seems like he's not blind at all (but sometimes he's very dumb with this)
- Explosive temper like his dad.
- Nicknamed Prince because his father is King of illegal trade, and also because of the singer.. he loves Prince.
- Only started covering his face when he got burned and blinded, used to have an afro.

Spotify Playlist:
- On my account mag_stan1
- Named PRINCE 👑
- Full of 80s bops

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