"Black Hole Sun" - SoundGarden

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The five of us sat on the beach, drinking, laughing and taking trillions of pictures none of us would remember to delete later.

"Wow, you look great!" I whispered and Shelly winked, sticking her tongue out.

"Thanks, lil bro, I actually tried today. And... black!?"

I smiled and looked down, twisting my ankles. "Do I look stupid?" I asked quietly and she cackled.

"Lannon, you look fucking hot." She dead panned and I burst out with laughter making her smile.

"Babe, that ass looks great!" Jessie told her, in his flamboyant yell, while running towards us. I laughed, bringing my Cora to my lips.

"Thank you, Jessie." She rolled her eyes playfully, and then giggled. "Selfie?" They took a picture together sloppily and she sighed, looking over at it. "Instascan worthy. By far."

"Totally." He nodded, getting up and pulling off his shirt, and flexing in front of her. "Is it just me or is it baking out here?"

"Completely." I muttered, wiping my sweat and shaking my head. "Soda's warm already."

Bella gasped. "No! Not the drinks! Christ!" She laughed and tossed her hair in a messy blonde bun, her brunette roots looking great with the style.

"Summer has just began and its already a fucking oven." Jessie groaned and sat down on his rainbow towel. "How you holding up, Lanny?"

I shrugged smiling. "Went out on a date with Dustin today."

Jessie's face lit up. "Yes! Oh God, you're getting out there! You were way to soft for Brandon, no offense Bella, your brother's great, I'm sure-" He shut himself up, shaking his head, Bella and I laughed.

"He's right, Lannon. Bunny had no clue what he was missing out on." I nodded and she checked her hair in the reflection of her phone.

"Hey, now that you and Dusty man are a thing, we are going out somewhere soon..." Anna started and I scoffed, smiling brightly.

"In your dreams, princess. And we aren't a 'thing', we just, spent the day together.." I said, lifting my chin up and she sneered playfully.

Anna was Jessie's sister. She was super nice, but without him there, she was shy and never said much. When she did say things though, they sometimes got her in trouble because she was quite careless of her opinions, and didn't give two flying fuzzy squirrels if you didn't like it. She was an LGBTQ+ activist, a feminist, and a vegan, sick of gender inequalities.

The beach chair I was on was getting hotter as the sun was rising, and after a while, if I moved, it would hurt.

"Lannon, I'm going to start planning today, any ideas?"

"I saw a ferris wheel and that means there's an amusement park." I started and she laughed, writing it down in her phone. "And then there's two places that would look aesthetically pleasing, but we can only eat at one."

"I heard food." Anna said, sitting up, putting her phone down.

"Quathan's or a fancy old pizzeria." I said, dragging out the last syllable. "But the old pizzaria would only fit Jessie's aesthetic, not mine or Sophie's."

"Sophie didn't get here yet." Bella said, shrugging. "But you're right, and I'm not actually looking foward to pizza again!" She said and I high fived her, smiling.

"You're on my side for once!" I laughed and she winked.

"Quathan's it is." Shelly confirmed.

Jessie sighed and rolled his eyes. "Tomorrow then."

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