Chapter 14

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I felt paranoid as I was walking down the Konoha streets. He's with Minato right now Chihiro, calm down. No matter how hard I tried to convince my nerves to relax, my hair still stood on end. My destination was Makoto's music shop.

I entered the store and felt a little more at ease. The sounds of a stringed instrument filled my ears. Wandering over to its sound, I could feel the sadness that filled the music. I watched silent as Makoto played, lost in his own emotions.

He played the final notes of his piece. "You enjoyed it?" He said without looking up.

I approached. "It was beautiful but sad."

He smiled at me sadly. "Yes, very sad."

I sat on my heels in front of him. "One day, I hope to be able to express my emotions through an instrument as you do."

His gaze held a concerned look. "Are you sure that you want to be a shinobi instead of a musician?"

I tilted my head. "Why can't I be both?"

He frowned a little. "A shinobi must mask their emotions while a musician displays it for all to see."

I gave it some thought. "But built-up emotions can hurt people, Makoto. And displaying them for everyone means there's nothing you keep for yourself."

He smiled at me. "Well, it looks like you have it all figured out." I smiled at him and began to teach me more about my flute as well as other instruments. I was beginning to piece my first melody together when someone walked in.

"Didn't know that you gave lessons too, Mr. Makoto."

I peered at the older man with bandages about his face, as Makoto replied. "Usually, I don't, but this child makes me feel young again."

I looked between the two and stood. "Thank you for the lesson, Makoto-sensei. I'll leave you to your customer." I nodded to the man as I left. "Sir." He felt him watch me leave, but didn't turn to look. I should avoid that man.

I walked to the library. After finishing the books Minato gave me, I wanted to research my other questions. I started with the clans of the village, which somehow led to the villages history. I was deep into each clans special abilities when I felt a familiar presence behind me.

I continued reading, not wanting to be distracted. He lingered for a bit before sitting across from me. I glanced up to see Itachi reading his own book and returned to my reading. When I finished, I went to hunt down a book on prodigies.

I noticed Itachi followed me and turned with a raised eyebrow. He just watched me stoically. I shook my head and found a title that caught my eye, but it was too high to reach. I glanced around to see if anyone was watching and started to climb the shelves.

I knew I must have looked ridiculous to Itachi, I was reaching for the book, tongue poking through my lips, intently willing for the book to jump in my grasp. Just a little more... Just then, a hand snatched the book from its place. I glared at him as I jumped down.

He handed it to me with a small smirk. I snatched the book and stomped back to my seat. I felt a nudge in my head before I sat and weakened my mental walls a fraction. ... this is a library. I missed the first part of the statement, but I got the gist. "Hn."

He was amused. I don't think this is as bad as I originally thought.

I gave him a questioning look. And why not?

Itachi inwardly shrugged. You're easy to talk to, and I don't even have to talk.

I started reading my book. It's not as nice as you think, trust me. He was momentarily silent. People's thoughts and intentions are not always good and mostly annoying. That's why I asked for Minato's help.

He became pensive. You didn't tell Lord Hyuuga.

I did a mental scoff. I don't trust him, period.

Hn. "Itachi! I thought I'd find you here." I felt his surprise though his face betrayed nothing.

Itachi turns to Shisui. "We are in a library."

That's obvious. Itachi fought the urge to turn to me. He can't hear me, Itachi.

Shisui looked over to me. "Seems he got you into this reading thing."

I smirked up and him. "I had nothing better to do." Or you just didn't want to keep asking questions.

I returned to my book. Can it, Uchiha.

Shisui sat beside Itachi. "Wanna train?" Oooo, that sounds fun.

I felt Itachi's getting uneasy with the two conversations at once. "Maybe later." He returned to his book.

Shisui looked at me. "How about you?" He won't stop, just so you know.

I inwardly chuckled. "Can't I have plans after this." What plans?

Wouldn't you like to know. I can take my exit if you are uncomfortable.

I felt his surprise. This is good training for me, I suppose.

I was amused. You suppose?

Shisui was looking back and forth between us. "So you two are just gonna sit silent in a stuffy library reading. How boring." Hey, Itachi, you're boring.

He shrugged. You are, too.

I acted offended. Am not, I'm the least boring person you know.

I was surprised to feel there was truth to what I thought. Hn.

Shisui huffed. "Stop ignoring me, guys."

I finished the book I was reading. Stop ignoring Shisui, Itachi, he'll figure something's up. "All done, wanna walk me to the place I have to go?"

I always ignore Shisui, so this is normal. Where do you have to go?

Well, first, you have to put this back, then you'll find out if you come along, I'm not comfortable walking around by myself right now. "Hn."

Shisui looked at Itachi. "Did you just agree to that?"

Itachi didn't look up. Poor neglected Shisui...

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