A sick kid, a loving grandmother and True Love

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Coughing was heard in a bedroom, a little boy with red hair and blue eyes was sick in bed and was playing his video game. His name was Masaru and his mother was Chisa. (Cause Chisa is one of the best people ever) Chisa walked in and felt her son's forehead. "How are you feeling?" "A little better." Replied Masaru. "Just so you know, your grandmother is visiting." Masaru had a look of unhappiness. (That's a word apparently?? It didn't try to correct me)"Can't you tell her I'm sick?" "That you're sick? That's why she's here." Explained Chisa. "But she always pinches my cheeks. I hate it when she does that." Complained Masaru. "Maybe she won't." Replied Chisa. The door opened to show an older woman with graying dirty blonde hair with a pair of brown eyes. This was Geekgal, Masaru's grandmother. "Hey, how's the sicky? Huh?" She said before pinching his cheek. Masaru gave his mom this look of "I told you so." Chisa merely sighed. "I'll let you two have your time." She then walked out of the room. "I brought you a little something." Said Geekgal while handing a present to Masaru. "What's in it?" He asked. "Open it and find out." Said Geekgal with a small smile. Masaru opened it and it was, "A book?" "Yep, when I was younger I read a lot of books. This one is special though, when I was sick my father read it to me, when your father was sick I read it to him and now, I'm gonna read it to you." Explained Geekgal. "Does it have any sports?" Asked Masaru. "Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles." "It sounds alright. I'll try to stay awake." Said Masaru. "Thank you for that. I appreciate it." Said Geekgal before opening the book.

The Princess Bride. A long time ago there was a country called Florence. In that country there was a young girl named Chiaki, her past time involved riding and tormenting the farm boy named Hajime. "Farm boy? Polish my saddle. I want to see my face shining in it by morning." Commanded Chiaki. "As you wish." Said Hajime. As you wish was all he ever said to her. A little bit later she came to him with two pails of water. "Farm boy fill these with water...please?" Asked Chiaki. "As you wish." Said Hajime. It was at that moment that Chiaki realized that when Hajime said "As you wish." what he meant was, "I love you." And even more remarkable was the moment she realized she truely loved him back. "Farm boy!" Said Chiaki. Hajime looked at and Chiaki became flustered. "...fetch me that pitcher?" She asked sheepishly. It was just above her, but Hajime still came over and got it for her. "As you wish." He whispered softly. Soon enough the two kissed-

"Hold it, hold it!" "Hmm?" Asked Geekgal, looking at her annoyed grandson. "Are you trying to trick me? Where's the sports?! Is this a kissing book?" Asked Masaru. Geekgal did her best to not chuckle at her grandson's choice of words. "Be patient." She said. "When's it get good?!" "Keep your shirt on, we'll get there soon." She replied. Then she continued reading.

Hajime had no money for marriage so he was going to get on a boat and get a fortune across the sea. Chiaki was devastated over the news of Hajime leaving. ("I don't believe this..." Muttered Masaru.) "I fear I will never see you again." Said Chiaki, holding Hajime close. "It'll be fine, we'll be together again soon." Said Hajime. "How can you be sure?" Asked Chiaki. "This is True Love, right? You think this kind of thing happens everyday?" Chiaki smiled at Hajime's words, gave him a quick kiss and said goodbye. But Hajime never reached his destination, his ship was attacked by the Dread Pirate Izuru, who never left captives alive. When Chiaki got the news that Hajime was murdered. ("Getting murdered by pirates is cool." Interrupted Masaru.) She went to her room and shut the door. For days she neither slept nor ate. "I will never love again." Said a heartbroken Chiaki.

(I. LOVE. THIS. MOVIE!!!! I love it so much I was it with my dad in theaters for it's 30th year anniversary!!! I even have the actual book!!! I gotta be honest, most of the cast was way too easy for me to cast, except for our two love birds, I went back and forth between Haninami, Sonadam, Saiatsu and Naegiri!! I finally decided on Haninami cause I NEED MORE OF THIS FLUFF!!! I RECENTLY REWATCHED DANGANRONPA 3 AND I NEED HANINAMI FLUFF!!! I know there's gonna be angst, but for the most part it's gonna be fluff!!! Anyways, I hoe y'all enjoyed this!!! See y'all next time!!)

The Princess Bride, but it's DanganronpaWhere stories live. Discover now