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"Oh, who cares!?" Springtrap said, "It won't matter for much longer!" 

"What do you mean?" Bryan asked

"Molten grab him," Springtrap said while giving Bryan an evil smile

Suddenly Bryan felt Wires around his body and couldn't move

"Bryan!" Davis shouted, "Let him go!" 

"Throw him in," Springtrap said

"Davis! Please! Help!" Bryan screamed

Molten then proceeded to throw Bryan into the portal...

"Bryan!" Davis screamed he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed...

"Now," Springtrap said before turning to Davis "I suggest you get out of here before we throw you in the portal too..."

Davis ran out of the portal room as fast as he could to find the others


"Davis! Please! Help!" Bryan's word echoed in his head


Davis felt tears running down his face... he had never been really good friends with Bryan... but he found him quite interesting and funny... Davis crashed into somebody and fell to the ground

"Woah, you okay there buddy?" Davis recognised the voice and looked up it was Jon

Davis got up

"Bryan's gone!" Davis said "Bryan's Dead!"

"What...?" Jon asked

"BRYAN'S DEAD!?" Baby screamed

"What what!?" Ballora said

all the other animatronics were shocked

"Boss man's friend is gone...?" Reddy asked

"Yes! He's gone! I followed him to the portal! And... Springtrap and Molten were there!" Davis said


"I know that's what I thought too... Molten grabbed Bryan with his wires and threw him into the portal! The portal was set on to 'Erase' mode!" Davis said

"So... hes was erased...?" Jon asked

"Yes..." Davis replied

Jon stood there silently before saying "He's gone... I can't believe it..."

Davis looked down at the ground "I tried... I tried to save him..."


"Davis! Please! Help!" Bryan's word echoed in Davis' head again...


"I can still hear his last words..." Davis said "Davis! Please! Help!... he said to me before... he was erased..." 

Davis couldn't stop thinking about what Bryan had said before he died...

"Why wasn't it me? Why couldn't I have been the one that was thrown into the portal? Why couldn't I have been the one that was erased?" Davis said...

"Davis... It's not your fault..." Jon said

"It is! I could have done something!" Davis said

Jon stared at Davis... for a moment... he saw Bryan... And then Jon fell to the ground, Jon broke down in tears...

"He's gone! He's gone!" Jon cried "He's gone and I wasn't there to help him..."


"Jon it's okay... i'll be okay..." A voice said and it sounded like Bryan...


Rusty Wires and A Death Trap [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now